Discover non-traditional jobs, launch a side hustle, & BREAK FREE! 

Welcome to Nurse Growth Hub, a community of forward-thinking nurses from ALL over the world with ALL different nursing degrees who have cracked the code to low stress jobs, flexible schedules, higher income, and fulfilling side hustles! With our transformative Non-Traditional Nursing Job and Side Hustle resources, you're not just dreaming of a better career, you're living it!

Hi! I'm Kelsey Rowell, creator of Nurse Growth Hub!

I created this community to show you WHAT is possible with your nursing license outside of the traditional route! You're taught that the only option you have to "change" or "grow" as a Nurse is to run back to school. NOT TRUE! The possibilities are endless and Nurse Growth Hub will show you them all!

I know you are hungry for direction! Chances are, you don’t know what you want to do. You're feeling stuck. You want to know all the opportunities that are out there in the non-traditional realm, but don't know where to look. You want to know how you can make more money without taking a pay cut. You're interested in starting a side hustle and making more income, but you have no idea what opportunities are out there and how to get started.

A few years ago, I was in a place where I needed help to find a new job. I was searching every day, but I would second guess my decision to apply when I found one. The ones that I finally got the courage to apply to, I never got a call back! I looked into a career coach, but they were all SO expensive! I felt so trapped and stuck! Sound familiar?

 I so desperately wanted change. I wanted a healthier job and I was super interested in starting something on the side to make more income. I wanted to create more freedom for my life & move into a healthier role, but I just didn’t know all that was out there, what the best route  would be, or where to start?!

Maybe you’re feeling this way, just like I did! This is exactly why I created Nurse Growth Hub!

I wanted to give every single nurse the opportunity to learn and explore what healthy non-traditional job options were out there, where to find them,  and show them how to get started creating more freedom & income with a side hustle! 

Inside Nurse Growth Hub, you will receive:

Access to all of my PDFs that I’ve ever created: 

Biotech Nursing Jobs List (packed full of companies who hire nurses in these roles)

Remote Nursing Jobs Company List (a complete list of companies who hire nurses remotely 

Non Traditional Nursing Jobs Posting Board (a weekly posting of the best non-traditional jobs for every nurse to apply to nationwide) 

My Nursing Side Hustle Jobs Posting Board (cool and unique jobs that nurses can do on the side to make more money OR do full time that are not clinical like freelance writing, virtual assistants, virtual CRP instructors, and much more)! 

Access to Private Nursing Career & Entrepreneur Facebook Groups and exclusive posting opportunities to network, promote (if you’re an entrepreneur), and other perks! 

Skill Swap - this is an incredible section that allows you to network with hundreds of other nurses in the membership to swap skills and grow from each other (resume support, learning social media skills, travel nurse advice, negotiating, interviewing, blogging, and lots more)

Private Monthly Email promotion opportunity to Kelsey's 40k+ email list to share your platform & promotional items!  

Access to all of my Career & Entrepreneurial Guides:

 Biotech Nursing Jobs List (packed full of over 200 companies who hire nurses in these biotech roles & how to search)

Remote Nursing Jobs Company List (100+ list of companies who hire nurses remotely & how to search) 

Non Traditional Nursing Jobs Posting Board (a weekly posting of the best non-traditional jobs for every nurse to apply to nationwide) 

Nursing Side Hustle Jobs Posting Board (unique, hidden jobs that nurses can do on the side to make more money OR do full time that are non-clinical like freelance writing, virtual assistants, virtual CPR instructors, and much more)

Access to Private Nursing Career & Entrepreneur Facebook Groups and exclusive posting opportunities to network, promote (if you’re an entrepreneur), and other perks! 

Skill Swap - weekly opportunity  to network with hundreds of other nurses in the membership to swap skills and grow from each other (resume support, learning social media skills, travel nurse advice, negotiating, interviewing, blogging, and lots more)

Private Monthly Email promotion opportunity to Kelsey's 40k+ email list to share your platform & promotional items! 

•Non-Traditional Nursing Jobs Guide (over 200 non-traditional jobs listed)
•200+ PDF Ideas for Nurses to Sell On Etsy 
•Nurse Negotiating Scripts Guide 
•Ultimate Side Hustle Guide For Nurses
•30 Day Hand Fed Posting Ideas for Social Media 
•Ongoing “PDF of The Month” topics and LOTS more! 


You are also receiving $1000 worth of FREE BONUS Workshops & Webinars! 

-12 Side Hustles to Make 1k/month as a Nurse 

-5 Secrets to Transform Your Nursing Career

-How to Figure Out What You Want to Do With Your Nursing Career (And the Non-Traditional Options that Exist) 

-Options To Get Started Building a Side Hustle as a Nurse to Make 1k/month on the Side!


Why Nurse Growth Hub will work for you

One of the biggest barriers to finding a new healthier job as a nurse and launching a side hustle is your mindset and beliefs. You may at some point in time have fed into the lie that moving out of the hospital is a waste of your license. You may have been told you’d lose your skills or that non-hospital jobs are not real nursing jobs. Maybe you wanted to launch a side hustle and others around you were discouraging about it. Your inner thoughts talked yourself out of chasing your dreams because of the fear of failure or judgment. Sadly, it’s easy in this profession to be scared into NOT doing something that’s healthy and right for you!

Inside Nurse Growth Hub, not only are you presented ALL of the options you have to move into a healthier non-traditional role & launch a side hustle, but you are given resources to help rebuke the common lies and misconceptions (like the ones above) that hold so many nurses back! If fear takes over, no changes are made, and you will find yourself comfortably uncomfortable in the same job that you have and your dreams left unchased!

Nurse Growth Hub equips you not only with the STEPS to take, but the COURAGE and COMMUNITY to take them!  It presents every single option you have with a job & side hustle, resources to support the direction you choose to move in  (workshops, webinars, PDFs, community Q&A), and a community of like minded nurses growing to do the same! 

Nurse Growth Hub has worked for all of these nurses below and when you show up for yourself and dive in, it will work for you too! 

If you’re tired of the same ol’ same ol’ and you’re ready to transform your career into doing something exciting, new, creative, and different with more freedom and joy in your life, then RUN to Nurse Growth Hub! 

So many other nurses have done the same:

You will also have the opportunity to safely ask questions within the community (you can change your name for privacy) and get feedback from Kelsey & the nurses inside!

This is a private membership off of social media!  You can interact anonymously or you can share who you are as well!

No more aimlessly Googling jobs or second guessing your dreams. When you dive into NGH, you will be hand fed your options to grow your career & side income ASAP! By next week, you will have applications submitted for the BEST low stress non-traditional jobs out there that SO many don't know about and you'll have TONS of side hustle ideas flowing through your brain that you didn't even know existed (ready to be put into action)!

You probably struggle with second guessing yourself and listening to the chaos inside your brain that talks you out of taking the leap! When you know all of the options that you have and you can get clarity about what you want to do, then you can take steps to confidently go after what what you want without fear and make it happen!

This membership will help open your eyes to what is possible! It will give you the clarity you need to make moves and STOP overthinking at the cost of DOING!

For $7/ month (yes, less than your iced oatmilk brown sugar espresso at Starbucks) you can jump into this membership right now and cancel anytime! 

This is over $1000 worth of content & resources and I am so excited that you get to be a part of this special community at this incredible price!

YES $7!!!!


Who is Nurse Growth Hub for?

NGH Is for the nurse out there who is struggling to figure out "what's next" in their career. It doesn’t matter your degree, what country you live in (there are non-traditional jobs for ALL countries), or if you’re a student nurse, a new nurse, or you’ve been a nurse forever. NGH was created to serve you where you're at! There is so much inside this membership for every single nurse to get started moving in the right direction with something fresh, healthy, and new!

The nursing world will teach you everything you need to know to go back to school, add letters to your name, and work your way up the traditional nursing ladder. Nurse Growth Hub teaches you to grow and advance your career in a DIFFERENT way, “out of the box!” Instead of running back to school and spending time, money, and stress on a degree that most likely won’t bring you your ideal job freedom and income, Nurse Growth Hub will show you WHAT YOUR OPTIONS ARE RIGHT NOW to move into a healthier low stress job and being the exploration and steps to launch a side hustle in the process if you choose! 

If you want to get started CREATING a career & life with the schedule, freedom, and income of your dreams, then Nurse Growth Hub is for you! 

We leave no guessing or wondering when it comes to what your options are or how to figure out what you want to do! Everything is laid out in front of you from remote jobs, to biotech, to health coaching, to integrative medicine, to public health and beyond! We put EVERYTHING on the table for you to explore and ultimately apply to! 

If you are not wanting to fork over an arm and a leg to pay for career help and you want to receive GREATER value ($1000 worth of content) and GREATER transformation for a FRACTION of the price than traditional career coach offerings, then Nurse Growth Hub is for you! 

If you’re ready to STOP the overwhelming Googling for jobs, stop the second guessing about your career direction/next steps, and stop believing the lie that launching a side hustle isn’t achievable for you, then Nurse Growth Hub is for YOU!  

IF you want to wake in the morning looking FORWARD to your job and leave it being able to FREELY enjoy your life outside of it (no more bringing home chronic stress and emotional weight of your toxic role), then Nurse Growth Hub is for you! 

Can LPNs , Student Nurses, New Grads, & Other Nursing Degrees Benefit from NGH?

YES!! This membership is for ALL nurses. The biotech & remote company lists have postings for LPNs, RNS, Diploma Nurses, NPs, and more. The concepts and skills we teach in NGH help ALL nurses succeed. If you are a student & new grad, you will learn EARLY how to create a healthy balanced career as a nurse inside this membership & network with experienced nurses. 

How will I cancel my membership when I want to stop?

We provide a link in the membership for you to cancel! You also can reach out directly to our support team at and cancel at any time! This is a month to month subscription so you will be billed on the date that you subscribe until you cancel! New material will be posted every single month!