Find a less stressful job

Negotiate what you deserve

Create a healthier schedule 

Add a side hustle

Monetize your passions

Make extra money  



You know it's possible to negotiate higher pay & a better schedule to create a more fulfilling & freeing Nursing career because you see other Nurses post about it, but you have no clue how to do it yourself!

No matter what stage of your Nursing career

You continue to Google search for non-traditional & remote jobs without any direction on where or how to find them! You attempt to perfect your resume with free templates you downloaded online, but you STILL haven't landed your dream job!


Does this sound familiar?

Patient loads are heavier than ever with greater demands, but the support for nurses just isn't there.

You feel the pressure to “be a team player” at your expense.

You were never given the right mindset, tools, or resources to actually create a healthy career that is right for your life! It's ALL about what benefits the workplace!

You've been taught that “exhaustion is a badge of honor”!

I promise, there is a better way.

A private community of Whole Life Nurses from around the world to support and grow with you in your nursing journey to CREATE a career & life that you love!

Crafting Your Dream Career


join now

What CYDC Members Are Saying

Exclusive "Non-Traditional, Remote, & Biotech Career" Trainings for Nurses

What's Inside CYDC?

Non-Traditional Job Workshops EACH month (remote, biotech, and more)!

Live Career & Side Hustle Coaching 2x/week

Career & Side Hustle workshops and courses 

Resume & Interview Workshops from Experts

Non-Traditional Jobs & Side Hustle Posting Boards

But I'm not stopping there - I wanted to share how I created more freedom in my life beyond nursing!

This is a membership experience built for Nurses by Nurses

In my 8 years of owning an online business, I’ve discovered that there are INCREDIBLE opportunities for nurses to create side hustles of their own.


here's the deal...

I decided to add an entire "side hustle" component to CYDC because I realized that it wasn't just about nailing down a healthier job that created the MOST happiness. It was also having something fun & creative on the side to grow & make extra income with, that filled the soul!

Over the past 3 years, I’ve been able to help Nurses JUST LIKE YOU not only NAIL down less stressful jobs, but launch and grow side hustles to bring home an extra $500- 1k/month to start.

How do I know?

Nurses would go through CYDC to get healthier jobs, but along the way, they would ALWAYS ask about starting a side hustle like I did! I realized these nurses would benefit from my help in learning how to make an income while making an impact doing what they loved and believed in too. 

My students started mentorships, PDF Etsy Shops, health coaching programs, resume businesses, educational platforms, blogs, tutoring, POD swag businesses, online memberships for nursing students, and SO MUCH MORE!

The possibilities are literally endless and we’ve BARELY touched the surface for online nursing platforms! 

What I realized is that not only are Nurses wanting to address their current work situations to create a healthier and happier career, but they are genuinely interested in working on building a side hustle to generate more income at the same time! 

Building wealth = Freedom!

When you can make more money, you have more choices in life. 

You don’t have to stay in a toxic job just because the paycheck is good, you can find a healthier position because you have money on the side. 

You can cut down on hours at work and go part time (and afford part time benefits) because you have money on the side.

You can get creative with your career and work high paying PRN gigs and afford private insurance and invest privately because you have money on the side.

You can pay off debt, put down a payment for a home, go on more vacations, and spend more time with the people you love because you’re building wealth on the side!

I love showing nurses how to get started building meaningful, impactful, and profitable businesses using their skills, gifts, and talents. 

And here’s the deal. You don’t have to be a pro at something to teach others. You don't need a fancy degree or biz background...

You simply need to know WHAT your options are to make extra income and how you can show up helping and serving others.

Do you know how many Nurses are CRAVING a mentor or guide in this profession or in other areas of life that you can create a coaching biz with?

Do you also know how many Nurses have gifts and talents BEYOND nursing that they can monetize? (baking, cooking, painting, singing, designing, parenting, investing, crafting, writing, lifestyle, and so much more)!?

There are SO many options when it comes to starting a side hustle as a Nurse and I am PUMPED to get nurses growing.

Create the Career &
Life of Your Dreams:

Create a Healthy Career + Negotiate More Money

In CYDC you will be given the tools to help you build a happier, healthier, more lucrative, and more rewarding career & life!

Find & Explore a non-traditional & remote nursing job that you love (we will figure out the BEST one for you), land (& nail) the interview, negotiate more money, & create a HEALTHIER career as a Nurse. We'll show you STEP-BY-STEP how to do it ALL so you nail that job & secure the income & schedule you need! 

Supplement Your Nursing Income With A Side Hustle & Create more JOY in your life! 

After you NAIL that healthier job, we're going to explore  side hustle hustle options to not only generate more income, but help bring more JOY and "life" back to you! I believe burnout is not from nursing being "hard" or the "long hours." I think it comes from having to do things you don't love & believe in, within environments & for people you don't like!

When you LOVE and enjoy the work you do with the people you work with, it's hard to STOP doing it! If your job and environment is stealing so much emotional energy from you, no WONDER nurses are burned out! When you tap into a side hustle that you enjoy and that you are passionate about, it naturally brings more happiness into your life! Making extra income will also give you the option to cut down on hours at work, have something creative & fun to do on the side, and simply have more money to create a little more freedom & fun in life! 

Practical steps to guide you in creating a nursing career that helps you:

Exclusive "HOW TO" Training

Plus, hear interviews from other nurses in specialty areas (health coaching, aesthetics, school nursing, clinical education, ICU, ER, PICU, L&D, Mama/Baby, IV hydration, aesthetics, and so much more), learn skills to cope with toxic environments (even how to change them) and steps to take to leave them when necessary.

Know how to utilize a PRN job (and the best ones that exist) , advancing your career with purpose (without always having to go back to school), and SO much more! 

Hear why nurses love being in CYDC

Explore ALL non-traditional job options in the most popular realms (remote, biotech, holisitic, aesthetics, and more)!

Get a call back from recruiters ASAP after applying (instead of waiting weeks or hearing nothing at all)

Get the job offer & negotiate the schedule, pay, and benefits!

Choose your path to success!

Nurse Career


Land Your Dream Nursing Job

  • Access to ALL Career Courses & Workshops that will help you discover ALL non-traditional options (including overviews of all job types)
  • Resume & Interview Workshops, Resume Templates, & Resume/Cover Reviews
  • LIVE weekly group Career Coaching with Kelsey on different Non-Traditional Topics
  • Workshops & hand-fed script to negotiate your ideal schedule and pay

/ month


Side Hustle

Launch Your Side Business

All In

Craft Your Dream Career & Business

JOIN career

Additional savings available with quarterly and annual billing. Click join to see options.

As a Nurse Career member, you'll have access to:

Specifically designed to help you get the most of your nursing career.


  • Entrepreneurship workshops to Discover ALL Online Side Hustle options for Nurses
  • Learn how to choose a side hustle (or develop your existing idea) that will make you the most money
  • Training designed to monetize your skills, passions, and talents through digital products and services
  • LIVE weekly Side Hustle calls on topics to grow your income

/ month

Additional savings available with quarterly and annual billing. Click join to see options.

As a Side Hustle member, you'll have access to:

Curated training for those who want to start & grow a side hustle.



  • Private Message Support - Ask 1:1 questions & receive private message support from Kelsey and team inside the community 
  • Ongoing side hustle coaching & brain-storming 
  • Help with finding recruiter emails to follow up on applications (and bypass electronic blackhole)
  • 7 Job URLs “Done-For-You” sent initially upon enrolling plus ongoing Job URLS requests (never run out of jobs to apply to)
  • Exclusive invitation to become an affiliate and earn commission referring new members to CYDC

/ month

Additional savings available with quarterly and annual billing. Click join to see options.

Everything in Nurse Career & Side Hustle, plus:

The ultimate path to crafting a dream nursing career & side business.


QUICKEST results

MOST support

BEST value

Price Lock Guarantee - No price increase for as long as your membership is active.

Compare CYDC membership options

All In


/ month


Side Hustle


/ month


Nurse Career


/ month



All Nurse career courses (i.e. Non-Traditional Jobs Workshop, How to Negotiate as a Nurse, Remote Nursing Jobs, Interview and Resume Workshops, etc.)




Monthly LIVE Member Job Search 

Weekly LIVE Career Coaching Calls

Weekly Non-Traditional Jobs Posting Board

All Entrepreneurship courses (i.e. Etsy PDF Workshop, Print on Demand Workshop, Email List Building, How to Build on Instagram, Lead Magnet Workshop, etc.)


Growth Perks

Watch a video comparing the memberships

Vault of ALL recorded career topic calls

Vault of ALL recorded entrepreneurship calls

24/7 Community Question Submission with feedback

Live weekly Side Hustle Calls with Kelsey

Ability to promote your business monthly on Kelsey’s email list & social media channels

Ongoing Side Hustle Coaching & Brain Storming at member request

7 Job URLs “done for you” sent once you're a member plus ongoing job URLS sent at your request (never run out of jobs to apply to)

Help with finding recruiter emails to follow up on applications (and bypass electronic blackhole)

Affiliate Income Opportunity sharing CYDC

Private Ongoing Message Support - Ability to privately message Kelsey & team inside community to ask 1:1 questions & receive private message coaching

More resources, tools, and trainings...

Expert Guest Interviews

Interviews from Guest Experts on topics related to self development and growth in this profession (Enneagram Coach, Financial Advisor, Mindset Coach, Negotiating Expert, and lots more)!

Live weekly Coaching with Kelsey

Weekly live coaching with me, Kelsey! (And guess what, you get to remain anonymous on the calls for your safety if you choose OR you can show up as you are)!

Access to my Course & Workshop Vault

Exclusive access to Workshops, Webinars, and Courses created by Whole Life Nurse on various subjects related to Career growth & Side Hustle growth (Etsy, Print On Demand, Dropshipping, Affiliate Marketing, Coaching, and more)!

(valued at $2997)

$1,327 in Bonuses

you will receive:

Access to all of my Career & Entrepreneurial Guides:

Non-Traditional Nursing Jobs Guide (over 200 non-traditional jobs listed)

200+ PDF Ideas for Nurses to Sell On Etsy

Ultimate Side Hustle Guide For Nurses

Nurse Negotiating Scripts Guide 

30 Day Hand Fed Posting Ideas for Social Media 

Remote Nursing Jobs Master Guide

Breaking into Biotech Guide (discover biotech companies who hire nurses & how to find these roles)

Remote Nursing Jobs Company List (a complete list of companies who hire nurses remotely) 

Non Traditional Nursing Jobs Posting Board (a weekly posting of the best non-traditional jobs for every nurse to apply to nationwide) 

Nursing Side Hustle Jobs Posting Board (cool and unique jobs that nurses can do on the side to make more money OR do full time that are not clinical like freelance writing, virtual assistants, virtual CRP instructors, and much more)! 

Access to Private Nursing Career & Entrepreneur Facebook Groups and exclusive posting opportunities to network, promote (if you’re an entrepreneur), and other perks! 

Skill Swap - this is an incredible section that allows you to network with hundreds of other nurses in the membership to swap skills and grow from each other (resume support, learning social media skills, travel nurse advice, negotiating, interviewing, blogging, and lots more)

Private Monthly Email promotion opportunity to Kelsey's 40k+ email list to share your platform & promotional items!  

Breaking into Biotech Guide

Ongoing “PDF of The Month” topics and LOTS more! 

 Safe & Inspiring Community

We've included the best features of the largest social media platforms and removed the worst aspects to create a place you can feel safe to share and ask questions.

*See behind the scenes what you get inside the course content and the exclusive Nurse community.

There is NO REASON you should stay in a job that is sucking the soul out of you!
Create a life and career that you love!

Today I teach Nurses how to have less stress, more money, and better health by landing their dream job, learning to how to negotiate like a BOSS,  and how to make money on the side !

I'm a Nurse who knows what it's like to feel under-appreciated, under paid, and at the mercy of management. About 5 years ago I started Whole Life Nurse with the intention of helping more nurses. I had no idea what it would turn into!

I'm Kelsey


A private community of nurses from around the world to support and grow with you in your nursing journey to CREATE the career & life that you love!

Crafting Your Dream Career

Exclusive "Non-Traditional Career"  Trainings for Nurses

Membership Roadmaps & LIVE Onboarding Calls to navigate w/ ease!

Weekly Live Job Search + Side Hustle Calls!

Live Coaching with Kelsey 2x a week 

Access to Career & Side Hustle  workshops and courses

Resume & Interview Coaching Workshops

and so much more!!

join now