In honor of Valentine’s Day, it’s only appropriate that I share love: some of the things that I absolutely LOVE about being a nurse! So hold on to your seats and buckle up, there is a lot of LOVE in this post!
1. I love the schedule of being a nurse! I work 3 days a week, and it is absolutely glorious! Sometimes going into work, if I get a tough patient assignment, I am comforted that I only have 2 more days left! I just have to bite the bullet and push through if handed a rough week! Many people think, “Oh you just work 3 days a week, you barely work!” Ummm hold the phone….I won’t even go there. Yes. I only work 3 days a week, but I work just as hard as you do in 5 days, but in three….and maybe a little more š Don’t get me started. But nonetheless, I love only having to work 3 days a week! It gives me time to spend with my sweet nieces during the week and avoid the crowd at some of my favorite places because I can go during the normal “M-F” work week!
2. I get to work with some of the coolest people in the world! No one gets nursing like your nursing co-workers! They see the things you see, and do the nasty dirty tasks that you do! They can laugh about the crude things you encounter, help you “clean up a patient”, and then head to lunch with you the next minute like it’s nothing! There is just a strength that nurses have that is alluring! I love them! They are some of my best friends! They care and understand life in a way that most don’t! We see the value in it and how precious and quick it can be! I’m so thankful to work alongside and some awesome ones!
3. I get to meet some REALLY awesome patients and families! I am dealing with ages 15 to 100+ years old! There is so much to learn from these people! One of my favorite patients was 100+ years old! She was the cutest old lady, and was such a spit fire for her age! I asked what her secret was to living a long and healthy life. She told me that she gets up and puts her “face” on every day, and works out in her yard! She said “I just get up and keep going! If you stop, you’ll die!” HAHA! I laughed so hard but she was seriously the cutest! There is so much wisdom to acquire and laughs and tears to be shared! This job is so precious! There is something to learn everyday from your patients. I love that about my job. It gives me life!
4. I get to laugh A LOT! If you can’t have a sense of humor about some of the things you do in this profession, then you just need to quit. I’ll be in the middle of cleaning up a giant C-Diffy bowel movement, and about to fall over and die from “that smell!” Poop is so tough for me! I can’t help but keep a sour face the whole time, but explain to my patient kindly that I’m so sorry for bad facial expressions! I know how hard it is for them, and we just need to get through it together! I find myself laughing with my patients a lot! I try to make hard situations more comfortable with humor! This job is too hard to not laugh some things off! There are days that I leave working thinking “I can’t believe I just did that” and laugh out loud at myself! Nurses have a unique and special sense of humor, but I love it!
5. You get to become really resourceful when it comes to taking care of business! If your patient is acting a fool and trying to get out of bed….sometimes you gotta do whatcha gotta do! I remember a patient that was so antsy, and was post sheath pull from a heart cath. We finally finished up with her bed rest (and by the grace of God, she didn’t bleed from all of the attempts to get up) and we were able to move her to a chair! She loved bluegrass and old country music, so we wheeled her into the hallway by a window (near the nurses station of course) and put on Johny Cash for her! She FINALLY was content and sang her southern heart out for everyone to hear! We laughed so hard, but it was so cute! Sometimes you just gotta do what ya gotta do! I can’t tell you how many times my nurse friends and I have had to think out of the box to get things done.
One time, we had to put in a foley and even our Foley QueenĀ couldn’t get it! We ended up with four nurses at the bedside, turned the lights off, and had to shine a flashlight in the “area.” We FINALLY saw that little “wink” š they tell you about in nursing school, and put that sucker right in! So just FYI, if you ever have the patient with the invisible hole, LIGHTS OUT, FLASHLIGHT ON! Works like a charm! I love the crazy things we do as nurses to help care flow! So innovative and resourceful!
6. You get to wear SCRUBS to work!!!! I love love love wearing scrubs! Growing up in school, I was the child that changed her outfit 3 times before finding “the one.” It drove my mom nuts! With nursing, you get to just throw on scrubs and head to work! No one judges you for what you’re wearing because you all wear them! You are doing such nasty and nitty gritty things, everyone understands not getting all dolled up for work! I wear my base bare minerals foundation and that’s it. I hate greasy forehead, so that’s why I put that on ;). As for eye make up, no thanks! I just don’t have time! My sleep is precious and my job can be gross! I just do the bare minimum so I can get some extra Z’s and head to work! For those of you who put your face on everyday, mad love! I WISH I could have the motivation to! Scrubs are just the best. It’s like wearing your PJ’s to work!
7. You are constantly learning. I learn something new EVERY SINGLE DAY! Nursing school teaches you the basics, but once you hit the floor your knowledge and skills just flourish! Every patients you take care of, every code you take part in, every Doctor and experienced nurse you chat with….all of these interactions leadĀ the way for new knowledge and skills! My brain is constantly stimulated and when I have those moments where I figure something out or help a patient get through an acute issue by calling, receiving orders, and taking action, I feel so excited and accomplished! It’s just the best feeling to know that as a nurse, you are such an important and integral part of patient care! I love learning and love that it will never stop! It keeps my on my toes and diving in to learn more!
8. You get to see some REALLY fascinating things! I have seen open wounds, down to the bone. I’ve sat through a 4 hour open heart surgery, and got to see them stop and restart the heart! I’ve watched babies be delivered naturally and through c-section! I’ve resuscitated patients and watched their lives be saved! I’ve watched legs be amputated. I’ve seen A LOT! For the science nerd in me, this is SO cool! Not many people can say these things, and we all get to see some really interesting and cool things in this profession! The human body is ABSOLUTELY fascinating!
10. Last but not least, I love being a nurse because I can take care of others! I can give in a way that no other profession allows you to! I can love on people daily, and and learn about life! This job can be so demanding when it comes to charting, passing meds on time, callings doctors for orders, and discharging patients. There is so much to be done all in one day! You sometimes feel like you are the ring master in a circus! Then there are those special moments. Those moments that break the craziness. Those moments where you connect with a patient and truly take good care of them, helping them overcome a really hard physical state. Those moments where a patient looks you in the eye and genuinely thanks you for all the you did for them. Those moments where a family member sends in a sweet letter to the hospital, explaining the amazing care you have and what an awesome nurse you are. Those moments make the hard times in this profession worth it! Ultimately, we are all here because we want to take care of others. It is a calling higher than many I know! We areĀ DIFFERENCE MAKERS!
I absolutely LOVEĀ being a nurse and I hope that you can share in that! Happy Valentines Day to you all! Spread some love today!
Your heart is mine!
