Over the past 4 years of nursing, one thing has become very clear to me: It is HARD to stay healthy as a nurse! We work crazy hours. We rarely get enough sleep. And if we’re lucky, we wake up in time to make coffee at home instead of grabbing it on site! If anyone […]


September 20, 2016

5 Unhealthy Habits That Nurses Need To Kick To The Curb STAT!

Over the past year, the term “Millennial” has come up quite often in my workplace. A “Millennial” is considered someone born between the year 1982 and the early 2000’s. What bothers me about being labeled a Millennial is not the name itself, but it’s the negative reputation that has come along with it.

Nurse Life

September 18, 2016

Why I Am Proud to Be Considered a “Millennial” Nurse!

Eating healthy sounds GREAT, right? But eating healthy sounds like work, doesn’t it? Yup! Whenever the first of the year rolls around, or someone makes the personal decision midyear to make a change in their eating habits, it tends to feel like it takes a lot of work and preparation! The reality is that it […]

Healthy Life Style, Nurse Life

September 7, 2016

Practice What You Preach! 5 EASY and HEALTHY Recipes Created For A Working Nurses Schedule!

If you would have asked me 4 years ago when I started nursing if I foresaw myself being on the Dr.Oz Show, starting my own nursing blog, speaking in Washington DC at a Nursing Rally in front of hundreds of people, starting up my own health and wellness buiz, and engaging in all of the […]

Nurse Life

September 2, 2016

How Being Active Outside Of The Bedside Has Changed My Attitude Towards Nursing….For The Better!