It’s sunny and 75! There is a light breeze gusting through the air. The sound of water fountains are overpowering the conversation across from me, and I am COMPLETEY okay with it! Ladies and gentleman, it’s Tuesday, and I am laying out at the pool in the MIDDLE of the day because TODAY IS MY […]

Nurse Life

April 27, 2016

How Nurses Can Prepare Mentally and Physically for a Week of Work!

Nurses Week should be EVERY week in my book, but we all know that can’t happen! If anyone understands all of the hard work that we go through in a day, it’s the nurses around you! The ones on the “frontline” working long and hard to implement orders, push pain meds, insert catheters, call the doc, […]

My Favorite Nurse Things, Nurse Life

April 25, 2016

Yourheartismine Nurses Week Give Aways!!!

On any given day, I am assigned at LEAST four patients. Four patients to chart EVERYTHING on. Four patients to pass meds on. Four patients to get cleaned. Four patients to chart on. Four patients to be fed. Four patients to pass meds on. Four patients to basically watch over their LIVES! And oh ya, […]

Nurse Life

April 18, 2016

The Chronic Issue: Nurses Need to Be Supporting Each Other!


Nurse Life

April 15, 2016

SMYS: A Call To Get Involved!!!

The Nurse Freedom Report

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