I debated whether of not to write on this topic, because it’s not the typical “feel good” for my blog site. However, I think this is a huge issue that has come before my generation of nurses and is ultimately hurting us all! I have had 3 jobs in my 3 years of nursing. I […]

Nurse Life

February 8, 2016

How Nursing Today is Fostering a Culture of Burnout and Job Hopping.

Nursing school: The smell of old coffee in your car cup holder that has accumulated from early morning studying and clinical days. The flash cards spread out all over the floor. The side passenger seat dedicated to giant books and binders. Highlighted notes galore EVERYWHERE! Ohhhhh me, oh my, how I remember! Nursing school was […]

Nursing School

February 3, 2016

My Survival and Journey through Nursing School: You will make it too!

Welcome to the renovated “Yourheartismine” blog! Super excited to share!!!!!!!

Yourheartismine News!

January 31, 2016


As a nurse, I KNOW the struggle of trying to eat heathy, trying to eat on a budget, and trying to eat convenient meals! I also know the struggle of trying to eat, PERIOD! We all know how that “lunch buddy” system goes. You watch your buddy’s patient while they go eat and vice versa. The […]

Healthy Life Style

January 30, 2016

Conveniently Eating Healthy on a Nurse’s Budget: It CAN be done!

The Nurse Freedom Report

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