I am so excited and honored to share my beautiful friend Kelsey’s story! She’s a Registered Nurse who left the bedside and decided to bring her side hustle on the road with her best pals! I love her perspective on life! So many of us are so afraid to do “extreme” things because of fear. […]


May 25, 2018

The RN Who Left The Bedside To Travel The Country via RV!

Is butter, better? That is the questions! Listen up guys…I get so many people bustin’ my chops about this recipe….but I just want to set the record straight. No, type of coffee is not for everyone because of its high fat content, but It CAN be for everyone! And as  matter of fact, it’s actually […]


May 3, 2018

Butter In Your Coffee, Say WHAT?

My Story When I think back to my life in college (and even in high school), my emotions were ALL over the place. I remember specifically one day working at a local coffee shop in Florida and I started having an anxiety attack behind the counter. I don’t even know about what….I just started hyperventilating […]


April 12, 2018

Healing Anxiety Naturally (And What Your Doctor Doesn’t Tell You)

One of my favorite questions that I get from people about essential oils is, “How do you afford the oils you use?” It’s a super common question because at first glance, the cost of PURE essential oils seems a little steep. They also love to point out how you can get essential oils off of […]


January 23, 2018

The Ultimate Essential Oil DIY-er’s Guide!

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