Is butter, better? That is the questions! Listen up guys…I get so many people bustin’ my chops about this recipe….but I just want to set the record straight. No, type of coffee is not for everyone because of its high fat content, but It CAN be for everyone! And as matter of fact, it’s actually part of a healthy diet for me. I ditched the full on processed dairy and sugar a long time ago to adopt this creamy natural hot bev….There are just some things you need to understand before loading up on this grass-fed goodness in your morning cup of joe.
Not All Butter Is Created Equal
The science behind grass-fed butter is that it simply contains a TON of natural health properties. Lets start here:
First of all, not all butter is created equal. There are many hydrogenated and chemical filled margarines (and imitations) out there that are referred to as “butter.” Do you remember when you learned to make butter in elementary school? You put the milk fat in with the salt and then you just shook it? Yah….it was a natural, thick, buttery state. THAT is butter. All of this “I Can’t believe It’s not Butter” and spray/squeeze butter non-sense is packed FULL of chemicals and harsh omega 6’s. It’s disgusting! I think they should rename it, “Can You Believe It’s Chemicals?!” Real butter doesn’t have a million ingredients that you can’t pronounce on the label.
Grass-fed butter – milk of grass-fed cows that are free of growth hormones. It gets it’s yellow color from the natural diet the cows ate.
Margarine: Purified Water, Soybean Oil (omega 6) , Palm and Palm Kernel Oil, Salt (omega 6), Mono and Diglycerides, Lecithin (Soy), Vinegar, Natural Flavors (say what??), Vitamin A Palmitate, Beta Carotene (Color). Contains Milk and Soy.
BIG differences.
Why GFB?
-GFB is loaded with omega 3 fatty acids. These acids are essential for normal growth. Omega 3’s are also cardio-protective, have anti-inflammatory properties, and have been shown to protect against cancer and also high blood pressure. Does this mean all of your omega 3’s need to come from butter? No….but does it contain a good source of this type of fat?….yes, absolutely. These omega 3’s are vital for our health and our body does not naturally produce them. And the biggest thing to note is that it is SO important to equally balance the amount of omega 3’s and omega 6’s in our diet.
Many don’t understand this and don’t realize how much of our processed and frozen foods are packed with these omega 6’s (soybean and vegetable oils being a HUGE source) and the imbalance can actually cause inflammation and lead to disease and cancer. This study has shown that the omega 6 to omega 3 ratio in most Western diets today is about 16:1. SO crazy! Other good sources of omega 3’s include avocados, walnuts, salmon, grand fed meats, and flax seeds. The bottom line is that we don’t get enough in our diets, and GFB can be a healthy source in moderation.
-Another incredible benefit of GFB is vitamin K! We don’t talk a ton about vitamin K, but it helps with clotting and also very supportive of bone health, especially as people age. It’s great for your bones, your memory, and your cells!
-Now let’s talk about CLA. CLA (conjugated linoleic acid) is also an amazing property found in grass-fed butter that possess many health benefits including protecting against cancer and aiding in weight loss! It’s actually a trans-fat, and a good naturally occurring one at that. The reason trans-fats get such a bad rep today is because MOST come made from industrial factories in the form of hydrogenated oils. This process is done purely for shelf-life purposes and to keep costs down. (And fun fact, our American Heart Association loves to promote these hydrogenated soybean, corn, and vegetable oils. Hmmm)…..Grass-fed butter contains five times more CLA than butter from grain-fed cows. So when I talk about butter in my coffee, I speak SPECIFICALLY to grass-fed butter only. Butter from grass-fed cows is also much higher in Omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin K2, compared to butter from grain-fed cows.
-One thing I also love about GFB in my coffee is that my stomach isn’t as sensitive to the caffeine and black coffee with the healthy fat on board. The fat protects my stomach from the acid and it also contributes to a longer and steady energy, versus a short-lived jittery jolt! So many benefits to this creamy goodness!
What’s in my Coffee?
So on top of GFB, my favorite coffee ingredients are:
Vital Protein Collagen Peptides – (great for your skin, gut, and hair!)
Organic Turmeric – amazing anti-inflammatory
Organic Cinnamon- super health benefits and a hint of sweetness
doTERRA Lavender Essential Oil- these floral flavors are very trendy right now, but I absolutely love the favor and anti-oxidants that pure lavender EO brings to my coffee!
Maca Powder – creamy and nutty powder that is slightly sweet and supportive of hormones.
These ingredients combined with the grass-fed butter lead to the creamiest, dreamiest, most delicious and health-benefiting morning coffee EVER!
Some Things To Note….
•I don’t use this coffee as a meal replacement. I typically will make a small breakfast alongside this creamy beverage. There’s something about sitting down and actually eating nutrition vs drinking it. I feel like it registers better with the brain when you sit down and eat a meal. A small breakfast looks like sautéing up some veggies with a poached egg on top. I also only have ONE cup of coffee a day and that’s all I would recommend to anyone, especially with this recipe.
•While this coffee recipe has amazing anti-inflammatory and health promoting properties, it’s still saturated fat. Now here’s the deal, clean natural, HEALTHY fat is actually good for you….in healthy amounts. Our body actually needs it. But because so much of our typical Western Diet consists of omega 6 packed oils and hidden trans-fats from processed and fast foods, incorporating this recipe alongside that lifestyle is not appropriate. If you are someone active who eats a clean diet, predominately whole foods, high plant based, with moderate grass-fed meat consumption, and doesn’t have any pre-existing cholesterol or BP problems, then this is a great alternative for you!
So I know that this concept sounds absolutely crazy, and you’re thinking, “Really Kelsey? BUTTER in my coffee??” Yes. Give it a try. My mind was blown the first time I tried! Now if you’re sensitive to dairy, even clean dairy, I would recommend trying coconut oil as a replacement. It’s just as beneficial and and creamy. So I’m going to leave you with my favorite recipe.

My Signature GFB Recipe!
1 1/4 cup organic black coffee (hot)
1 tsp Maca Powder
2 sprinkles of Organic Turmeric
2 sprinkles of Organic Cinnamon
1 heaping tsp of Kerrygold Salted (or unsalted) Grass-fed Butter
1 drop of doTERRA lavender EO (optional)
1 scoop of Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides (optional)
Blend in high powered blender (like my vitamix-AMAZING)on high until creamy and delicious!
(This post has not been evaluated by the FDA. I am not a licensed physician. These are my personal recipes, my personal research, and experience. Please make your own decisions with your doctor when it comes to consuming this recipe and ingestion of essential oils.)
