I’m Kelsey Rowell, a Registered Nurse, Certified Health Coach, Wife, and lover of all things natural! I started using essential oils about three years ago when I did a ton of research about supporting anxiety naturally. Maybe you can relate, but I was a young nurse working long shifts (including overtime) and I was tired of being bound to medications for my emotions, hormones, and sleep. They were causing awful side effects along the way and I was SO over feeling worse from something that was supposed to be “helping.”
On top of not receiving the emotional relief and support that I desired, I was dealing with stress from work, adjusting to newly-married life, and trying to “get healthy” by continuing to pursue all of the different miserable fad diets that worked for about month and then I gained everything back when those “quick fixes” just weren’t sustainable.
I just felt awful and to be honest, hopeless. I was out of shape, living off of fast food, applying ineffective toxic antibiotic creams for my acne, layers of toxic makeup to cover it all up, on birth control, spending 2 hours at the gym on an elliptical, yet I was more anxious, stressed, and more physically uncomfortable than ever! I knew something had to change, but just didn’t know where to start.
The Journey Began
Essential Oils are PURE aromatic compounds that are extracted from plants, roots, seeds, and flowers! They have all of the protective and healing properties of the plant inside of them! The water and oil compounds of the plant are separated through a process called distillation. This is how we get our amazing Essential oils! There are thousands of plant molecules within one drop of essential oil, so a little goes a long way! Did you know that 1 drop of peppermint oil is equivalent to 28 cups of peppermint tea? These aromatic natural compounds can be used to support your skin, emotions, gut, brain, hormones, discomfort, and so much more!
-Their Oils are CPTG Certified: beyond organic, free of pesticides, artificial contaminants and metal.
-They are Tested by a Third Party (so not just their company tests the oils, a company paid OUTSIDE of doTERRA to review and give the thumbs up that the oils are safe and therapeutic.)
-They Source Their Oils from Indigenous Plants – It’s important to source oils from plants, seeds, and woods for that grow in their natural environment.
-They are BIGGER than just an oil business. The way doTERRA serves these countries as these oils come into fruition is amazing : Co-Impact Sourcing
-They Have Launched a Healthcare Program that is growing to bring Essential Oil Research into the frontline of care, as a safe and alternative option.
I love sharing dōTERRA and helping bring PURE, Therapeutic Grade Oils into peoples lives! Implementing an anti-inflammatory lifestyle and using the natural solutions that doTERRA has to offer will completely change your life! If your ready to start your wellness journey and would like to bring these incredible essential oils into your life, I’d love to help you get started!
If you’d like to know more in-depth education about oils before investing, I COMPLETELY understand! That’s why created my FREE “Intro To Essential Oils” E-Course! I’d love for you to enroll and learn all about these amazing oils in an interactive class! It’s packed full of education, DIY’s, and why I can’t live without these oils! You can enroll for FREE HERE!
(Pictured is the Healthy Start Kit)!
Below is my FAVORITE way to get started because you are receiving the BEST bundle of Essential Oils and Accessories at the BEST price possible! You cannot get these combos at this price in any other way! You also will receive a FREE Wholesale Membership! Yup, that $35 wholesale membership comes FREE with every kit! These kits are so intentionally made with the perfect combination of oils and products to best support ALL areas of your health and life! They come with the Top Essential Oils and Accessories to help you start your Essential Oil Journey off on the right track! And remember, you get a FREE membership and NO monthly obligations! Just access to the BEST oils and products at the BEST prices for an entire year!
You can also snag a Copy of This AMAZING FREE E-Book Here!
-A Welcome Email from me containing my FREE “Intro to Essential Oils” E-Book, EO recipes, EO jewelry discount code, and information how to login in and maximize the use of your wholesale account!
-Access to my Private Wellness Community with fellow natural minded oilers that contains free resources + pdfs, information about monthly promos, an opportunity to ask questions and share, and weekly Wellness and EO Education videos from me!
-Access to Wholesale Pricing for the ENTIRE YEAR (25% off retail) with NO MONTHLY PURCHASES REQUIRED!
Follow these directions:
1. Click on the kit you desire below.
2. “Sign Up Now”
3. Fill out your personal information and make sure my name and picture are selected.(If my picture is NOT there, please add ID# 4300862.)
4. Then click “Continue”
5. Choose Economy Shipping $3.99 & Process!
You will be contacted from me with your Welcome Email within 1-3 days!
Please email me if you have any questions: support@wholelifenurse.com
This kit is wonderful because it’s the PERFECT starting point with oils! It includes the TOP 10 Oils – 5ml bottles (about 80 drops) and the BEAUTIFUL Marble Brevi Diffuser!
Q: My friend uses another essential oil company and I know there are many others out there. Why is doTERRA different?
A: Yes, it’s confusing to know which brand to buy with so many essential oil companies out there! 100% get that and I was there too! dōTERRA is the most tested, most trusted brand in the industry. Ninety-six percent of our oils and blends are exclusive, grown by artisan farmers in ideal locations for maximum potency (indigenous plants = best essential oil effects). You can learn more at sourcetoyou.com and see the huge difference in how each of our oils are tested and the results available for for all to see on that site! You deserve the most pure and effective essential oils and that’s what you’re getting with doTERRA!
Q: dōTERRA oil kits are a little more expensive than I thought, I’m not sure I can make the investment, but I really want to start using oils!
A: Yes, I totally understand the concern with buying a kit, but really wanting to start using oils! Here’s the cool part, even though buying a kit is how you are going to get the biggest bang for your buck, we can totally start small and work with your budget! You can totally start with a Wholesale membership for $35 and add one or two oils at a time depending on your needs! Also, it’s important to take a look at where you’re spending your money today? I have a lot of people who are paying a LOT for department store skin products & perfumes. With your doTERRA membership, you’re able to use it on skin care, hair care, cleaning products, and everything else that you might already be spending money on at the store that you can switch out for cheaper and cleaner products! You can totally build your kit as you go and that $35 membership ends up paying for itself with the 25% off those products long-term! I love starting people small and I’m happy to connect to point you towards those starting oils to address the areas that need them most!
Q: I’m worried my Husband thinks I’m wasting my money and won’t support this purchase, what can I do?
A: I totally get where you’re coming from. My husband was the SAME way when I bought my kit home years ago! I’ve known a lot of people who’ve had this same concern. I’ve found when people experience oils, them become more open to them. Maybe there’s an area that your husband needs more support with? Deep Blue is a soothing rub that helps with aches and discomfort and my husband LOVES it! We could add this to your order to share with him or another oil for a needed area to see how we can serve him too! I think his eyes will be opened and from there, you can further comfortably invest in more! We also can connect about hosting an online class and I can show you how to get your oils paid for with no obligation! You can email me at yourheartismineoils@gmail.com and we can connect!
Q: Isn’t doTERRA an MLM?
A: Yes, it is and it’s a beautiful company with a HUGE mission! I’ve been with doTERRA for 2 years and there’s a reason. dōTERRA is unique in network marketing. In fact, 82 percent of people who buy dōTERRA products are just customers who don’t sell the products. That’s unheard of in direct sales. The reason we have so many customers is because we have the most tested, most trusted products that people can rely on. If you love these oils and want to consider sharing oils down the road like I do, you can totally be a part of this game-changing wellness revolution!
Q: Do I have to sell or pay monthly orders if I get a kit?
A: NO!! Absolutely not. You literally can purchase a kit of oils and you will receive a FREE membership for an entire year. That will get you 25% off ALL doTERRA products and you can log into your account and order at anytime! No monthly payments. No obligation to sell. NADA! Just access to the PUREST essential oils at wholesale price!
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There is NO REASON you should stay in a job that is sucking the soul out of you! Create a life and career that you love!
*Earnings and income representations made by Kelsey Rowell and Whole Life Nurse LLC, and their advertisers/sponsors are aspirational statements only of your earnings potential. These results are not typical and results will vary. The results on this page are OUR results and from years of testing. We can in NO way guarantee you will get similar results.
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