“The meaning of Life is to find your gift. The purpose of Life is to give it away” – Pablo Picasso
When I researched this quote, I found myself looking up the biography of Pablo Picasso, quite possibly the greatest and most famous artist of all time. He had a gift. A gift from a very young age to paint. Paint like NO ONE’s business!!! When his Father, an Art professor at the time, identified his son’s amazing gift, he sent him to the Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando, the country’s foremost art school. Pablo was 16. He greatly disliked this formal instruction, and stopped attending classes soon after his enrollment. Funny enough, he went on to be one of the most famous, talented, and fascinating human beings and artists known to man. All because of a personal gift.
What I love about this story is that he was pushed in a direction to further his artistic education formally, but when you look at Picasso’s paintings today, they are infamous for their strategic distortion and original beauty….everything BUT formal. He jumped into a realm of his own, not knowing how “formal” artists would respond. Little did he know the legacy he would leave…
“Formal education wasn’t my thing.”
You guys, my whole life I have always felt like I wasn’t one who did well in school. “Formal education” wasn’t my thing. I had the attention span of a 5 year old in the 12th grade. I was ALWAYS playing my guitar, painting, writing music, exercising, or creating some random craft that I found in a book or online. I was gifted with creativity in different areas. I also found it really easy to relate to others growing up. I love people! I enjoy talking to them, helping them, comforting, and loving them. When I had to make a decision in life about college and my future, it was actually really hard. I had so many things I wanted to do that didn’t involve formal schooling, but the world tells you that you must go to college and get a degree. So I chose nursing.
Looking back on nursing school and the path I took to get my nursing education…..I am thankful, but I also know that many would (and still do) critique my degree. I have an Associates Degree in nursing, which many higher scholars believe “devalue” this profession. I am PROUD of my nursing degree, because school was hard for me. I am thankful I became a nurse and got a good education (I do feel education is necessary, but it isn’t EVERYTHING)…but what made me a GOOD nurse was not the education. It was the gifts that I was uniquely given to use in that role. THAT truly is what made me a good nurse. The gifts of humor, creativity, compassion, empathy, and genuine care for others. I truly wanted to make others laugh, make them feel understood, make them feel appreciated, make them not feel alone, and never feel hopeless. I wanted to help others. It was the listening, the laughing, the personal touch, the singing, and love that made me a good nurse.
My TRUE Calling
What I later learned 5 years down the road, was that traditional nursing wasn’t my calling. HELPING PEOPLE find freedom through true health and wellness and leading other women in a way that I believed in, was. I had gifts and talents that were dying to be used. My creative juices were boiling inside of me for years. My personal knowledge and experience with health and wellness was so far from what I was actually doing as a nurse. I wanted to lead and support people in a way that truly made a difference in my eyes. I could feel this emotion and entrepreneurial sprit growing inside of me and I wanted so badly to create a life for myself that allowed me to use my personal gifts to the fullest in the way that I knew they could best be used…..
I took the jump.
Venturing out into my own business and blogging was SO scary! It brought so many challenges and doubts. “Will people like me?” “Will I really succeed?” “Will I be judged?” “Can I really figure this business thing out?” SO much doubt and fear came over me…..but I had these gifts inside of me and knowledge to share that was burning. Burning to be used in a way that I knew would make a difference. And I knew I just had to take that jump.
I put my thoughts down on paper. I first created a blog. I shared my heart through it. I was SO scared! But the minute I started sharing my heart and my gifts with the world, a beautiful thing happened. People related and they listened…..and then they responded! After a couple years of blogging from my heart and sharing my stories, my brand “Yourheartismine” was created. It was used to support women and nurses all over the world in their journey to LIVE, LOVE, and HEAL naturally. My passion and gifts later became a business. It was a natural progression. I left traditional bedside nursing this past year and launched my own my own Essential Oil and Wellness Business! Everyday that I get up, I am SO thankful that I took that jump against all odds, all fears, and all everything. Because every day that I get up, I am using the gifts that I was uniquely given for a “job” that I love! THAT BRINGS JOY, PEOPLE!!! That doesn’t mean it’s easy, but it’s my personal creation from MY UNIQUE GIFTS that make it easy to work hard for!
In the words of Marie Forleo, “ The world needs that special gift that only YOU have…”
I had 2 choices:
1. )Keep doing the job that I used my “formal education” to get that didn’t bring me much joy….
2.) JUMP….and take the risk with the fear, with the doubt….and use and bring the personal gifts that I’ve been given FULL FORCE to the world……and CHANGE MY LIFE!
Using Your Gifts Will Bring True Joy and Satisfaction
I’m going to leave you with a video from Steve Harvey that inspired my to write this post. A sweet friend sent this to me, and it brought tears to my eyes….
YOU KNOW what your gifts are. And if you don’t, do some soul searching, because you have them. We all have gifts. We all have dreams. We all have passions. And If you’ve been brainstorming, planning, thinking of starting your own business, or simply just wanting to do something you’ve wanted to do for a LONG time that has potential to bring amazing things and so much joy, take this as your sign to DO IT!
How are you going to “jump” in 2018? I would LOVE to hear!
I teach Nurses how to have less stress, more money, and better health by creating healthy boundaries in their career, landing their dream job, and learning to how to negotiate like a BOSS!
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