Justin Bieber: Love Yourself
Cover by: Track 45
So hey guys! This is not your typical nursey blog, and these kinds will be few and far between…..But here’s the deal. Music is a HUGE part of who I am and I don’t want it to be left out of my site! I was raised in a musical family, and I have sang and played guitar since I was 16! I sing with my patients all of the time, and they love it! This group is a trio I found almost a year ago. I have been following them, and they just get better and better EVERY time! They are absolutely UH-mazing! So amazing that I had to reach out and to them and get the 411 on more of who they are, where they have been, and what’s next! I am such a fan of pure raw talent! We have so many people in the music industry that have me puzzled as to how they got there! These three are the REAL deal! They have absolutely beautiful hearts and amazing talent! Their harmony is alluring and I couldn’t get enough of their stuff! I have the honor and privilege to introduce to yall as a Yourheartismine music guest, Track 45!
1.When and how did Track 45 get together/started?
KK: Music has always been a huge part of our lives – really, from birth. When we were little, our grandmother taught us all how to play piano; our grandfather led the church choir and took us to the symphony; and as cheesy as it sounds, we would sing songs around the supper table with our parents. As we got older, we all started wanting to play different instruments, but our mom told us “ If you really want to play another instrument, you will save up and buy it yourself.” So we each saved up and did just that! Benjamin bought a cello ($50 from Ebay)-and a mandolin; Jenna bought a $50 guitar that was bigger than she was; and I bought a blue fiddle. When I was 8-years-old, we went to share some music at a nursing home, and from there we were asked to sing for some other groups.
Not long after this, we happened to be at a hotel where Dollywood talent scouts were holding auditions for the upcoming season. We knew we were way under the minimum age of 18 for auditioning, so we asked if they would just give us some feedback on what we were doing. Now at this point, our “set” consisted of exactly 3 songs. So we were all shocked when they asked us, on the spot, to be featured performers at the park’s upcoming Bluegrass and Barbecue Festival. We told them that we didn’t even know what Bluegrass music was, but they had faith in us! We went home; watched a bluegrass video; worked up a set; and gave ourselves a name. We ended up playing 30 fun shows in Dollywood, and we were hooked on performing with each other and sharing our music with others to enjoy. I’ll never forget celebrating my 10th birthday with all the great folks at that park!
2.What describes your style of music?
Benjamin: Ed Sheeran meets the Dixie Chicks meets the Eagles. We blend current pop sounds with familiar country sounds to create a crossover that lends itself to our unique live acoustic set. And if you listen closely, you’ll hear a touch of the Beatles, too.
3.What goals do you all have this year in regards to the group professionally and personally and/or what has been your biggest accomplishment as a group?
Jenna: Our goals this year are to sign with a label and a publisher… and continue to find and get to know new fans like you! ?
This year’s greatest accomplishment has been to remain disciplined in the writing world. We’ve been honored to write and work with some country music greats!
4.What is the funniest blooper or thing that has happened to you?
BENJAMIN: We have a bunch! Jenna’s lost roller falling out of her hair between songs during a show and just awkwardly rolling off the edge of the stage. Playing a show for Morgan Freeman and his thinking KK’s name was GayGay the entire night. Simon Cowell called us singing vampires…and somehow made it a compliment! Oh, and there’s the time our group was introduced to an audience of hundreds, and KK was in the bathroom which was in the back of the hall. So when she finally entered, all heads were turned expectantly toward that door as she entered and ran to the stage!
5.What has been your favorite cover/song to date?
BENJAMIN: Our favorite cover is probably “Burning House” because the song is amazingly well-written…AND our favorite radio show, The Bobby Bones Show, shared and complimented our video! So cool.
6.If there is anything you want your fans and people to know about Track 45, what would it be? (Anything?!)
KK: That even though we don’t sing “Christian” music, we do everything to the glory of the Lord. We love what we do. It makes us happy. We hope that love and happiness will radiate from our music and touch people who listen! Another thing we are proud of is our music education performance/program for schools!
7. I, personally, am a huge fan of music and LOVE sharing it with my patients as a nurse!Have you guys seen your music personally affect your family, friends, and strangers in a positive way?
JENNA: From our very first experiences of performing for others, we have seen how music has the power to bring people together in a special way. For example, we would often be met with dead-pan expressions from nursing home or hospital patients. Once we started playing, faces would light up and soon they were clapping and singing along. We have been privileged to watch our music transform someone’s ordinary day into a cherished memory, whether through a “singing telegram” or at the bedside of a patient. Interestingly enough, we have sung at many funerals. We’ve sung everything from Handel to Linda Ronstadt – and even performed an Irish drinking song once! But we saw joy and gratitude on the faces of the loved ones left behind. That’s priceless.
Music is something that has always connected our family. Some of our favorite memories are of singing hymns like “Come Thou Fount” or “Be Thou My Vision” around the kitchen table. Benjamin, KK and I often sat on the piano bench in our family room and sing for hours. Every Christmas, our entire extended family gathers around and naturally picks out different harmony parts as we sing carols. Music really connects all of us in a powerful way.
Omgosh…..this interview makes me love them even more! Aren’t they AWESOME! Thank you Track 45 for thoughtfully answering these questions and taking the time to do so! You know I am such a fan, and I can’t wait to hear more from yall! Yall need to watch these 3! They are destined to do big things! Keep spreading love through those voices and talents! Music heals, yall!
Your heart is mine!
Check out the Track 45 Facebook page and go show them some love!
Click here: Track 45 Facebook
