Do you find yourself extremely exhausted and burned out from the cray-cray that conventional nursing is today?
You know, you just know, that this full-time nursing gig can’t be your forever job, but you don’t know HOW to grow & generate the income that you would need to cut down on those hours or become a full time wellpreneur! (Doesn’t that sound nice)?
Maybe you currently have a business that you’ve been trying to get off the ground, but you’re feeling “stuck” and struggling with what steps to take to move forward and create the impact and income that you so deeply desire!
Or maybe you’ve been stirring in the idea of launching a wellness business, but just not knowing exactly where or how to start?
If you were anything like I was in the beginning, you spent hours in your week looking at other female entrepreneurs online killing it and wondering why you haven’t “made it” yet?
You listen to podcasts every week and on your way to work trying to soak up every ounce of knowledge that you can in hopes that maybe, just maybe some life-changing knowledge would be dropped and it would magically change where you’re at!
You want it “SO bad”, but you’re struggling with the direction you need to go in and they steps that you need to take to turn your dreams into a profitable reality!
Or you just simply KNOW the steps you need to take, but you’re scared to death to TAKE THEM!
Girl, I hear you LOUD and clear and I’ve felt every single one of these feeling and “thought” every single one of these thoughts!
I know that feeling of wanting more.
That feeling of wanting out of your current circumstances and passionately disliking where your nursing career is at!
I know that feeling of coming into a TOXIC environment every day and just feeling such a DEEP passion to help others, but just not in the way that traditional nursing does!
If any of these statements resonate with where you are at right now, you are 100% in the right place!
Launching and growing a business is no easy feat. It takes time, energy, and dedication like no other. There is no magic equation for success, but there is a better path to take, especially when you’re starting with ZERO direction to begin with! Trust me….I know this because I’ve gotten to where I’m at today by re-routing for the past 7 years on my own. I’m here to let you know that I’m going to help you get to where you need to be a heck of a lot quicker than how I did!
You are not alone and that I can help if you’re truly ready & willing to do the deep work with me!
• Do you have a desire to make an income while making an impact doing what you love and believe in?
•Do you want to make extra money doing more of what you LOVE on the side so that you can cut down on those toxic hours at work and would ultimately LOVE to make it a full-time income?
•Do you want to help others with their health in a way that your current corporate job doesn’t allow?
•Do you have a desire to create a business where you call the shots, work with YOUR schedule, and don’t have anyone over you micro-managing you or telling you how things are going to be done?
If you answered “yes” to any of these, then you’re ready, sister.
It’s by NO coincidence that the idea of launching or growing your business further keeps lying on your heart. It’s there because your heart knows deep down that it’s what you TRULY want to do.
So why has it been so hard to launch and move forward?
Well naturally, our minds will always seek the path of least resistance. We want the easiest route with the least amount of barriers. We don’t want to have to feel uncomfortable. We don’t want to have to change ourselves. We just want what’s….well….easy!
It’s why we don’t like to work out.
It’s why we don’t want to do chores.
It’s why we don’t want to eat healthy!
We just wants what’s easy, gratifying, and simple!
Now I could go back into evolution and bore you with the theories about why humans have fear, but I’ll save that for another day….
My point is, the reason you keep having thoughts about your business (or launching one) is because it’s really what your heart wants to do! At the same time, your nautural self-preserving mind (subconscious) is going, “Hell no, that’s too scary and hard!”
So you’re just having this internal battle that is going to continue until either:
a. You give up on your dreams and just continue on with your comfortably uncomfortable career
b. You realize that your mind is ALWAYS going to talk you out of the scary & uncomfortable stuff and you GO FOR IT, DIVE INTO YOUR FEAR, and GROW TO EMBRACE IT INSTEAD OF RUN FROM IT SO THAT YOU CAN ACHIEVE ANYTHING YOU WANT IN LIFE!!!!!!
Hi! My name is Kelsey. I’m a Registered Nurse, Certified Health Coach, and Holistic Nurse Business Coach! I know first hand what it’s like to LAUNCH a Wellness Business from the ground up and what it takes for it to THRIVE and succeed! I also know the incredible amount of courage it takes to power forward and dive into fear to ACHIEVE the success that changes your life!
I also wanna let you in on a secret. I have failed……a lot. YUP! BIG FAT FAILS over the past 7 years! If it weren’t for me putting myself out there and trying, those failures never would have taught me the lessons that I’ve learned. Those failures would not have taught me what I needed to do differently. Those failures would not have allowed me to become the resilient Entrepreneur that I am today that allows me to fearlessly put myself out there no matter what the outcome will be!
Why does this matter?
Because growing a business takes risk.
It takes vulnerability.
It takes continuously putting your self out there to grow the necessary skills it takes to build an impactful & profitable business and that TAKES TIME!
You see, you can listen to all of the podcasts that you want.
You can read all of the business books, articles, and blogs.
You can stalk and look at what all of the other successful peeps are doing.
You can take all of the courses and journal your heart out…..
…..but if don’t take the action USING the information that you’ve consumed, you will not grow! (hand claps between those last 4 words)!
(This is my beginner’s option)!
In this call you will:
-Explore Different Routes you can Take To Launch a Wellness Business
(Health Coaching Certifications, Blogging, Online Courses, Growing a Social Media Platform, Using a Certification to Provide Services, Etc)
-Learn the Basic FIRST Steps You Need To Take to Simply START any Wellness Business on the Side (and not make the common money & time stealing mistakes many do)!
-Define Exactly What Problem it is that you will be solving for your future clients/customers with the Product, Service, or Education that you will be providing! (This is for ANY business you choose to launch or partner with).
– Tap Into Your Personal Creativity, Talents, and Strengths and How They Can Be Used To Grow Your Business!
-Start creating testimonies for your product, education, or services that you will be offering BEFORE you start selling them!
-Learn how to build a list of potential clients/customer who NEED your services/product before you even launch (this is PURE magic)!
-Inexpensive ways to Start-Up/ Launch a Website and Brand While Still Looking Professional!
In this call you will walk away knowing:
1. What Wellness business you want to pursue and the steps to take to start.
2. Who your ideal client/customer will be and how to speak to them with your marketing (and learn what marketing is).
3. How to start creating testimonies to share as proof that your services/education/product works!
4. How to start growing a list of IDEAL future customers before you even go live with you business!
5. 3 Steps That you will take this month to work towards getting your wellness side hustle in motion STAT!
-The BRAND new wellness entrepreneur who currently doesn’t have a business, but desires so deeply to get things started and needs the direction, confidence, and clarity on how to get started.
-The Wellness Lover who has a desire to help people change their lives in a healthy way and somewhat of an idea of how they want to do it (we will help clarify the idea that you have)!
-The Wellness lover who has been sitting on this idea of launching a business for months and has been too scared to get moving and knows that having someone help them take these scary, but necessary steps would change everything!
-The Wellness lover who’s tired of making excuses and knows that nothing is gunna change if nothing changes and is ready to have a coach help them jump-start this process!
••••If these all resonate with you and you connect deeply to these statements, “JUMP-START” is for you!
In this call you will learn:
-How to CLEARLY define your ideal customer – SO important! You will learn so much from this
-How to be clear on your message and the services you offer so your audience is crystal clear on what it is that you do & makes it easier for them to buy! (I’ll teach you how to know and address all of their common questions in the copy of your sales page)!
-Ideas on how to create an engaging sales page that speaks directly to the needs of your IDEAL customer and again, making it an easy decision for them to invest just from reading your page!
-If the problem you’re solving is one that truly needs to be solved AND are you marketing your services to the right audience? (This is SO important! It’s easy to think what you have to offer isn’t good when no one is responding to what you put out, but you have to make sure you’re solving a problem that needs to be solved and for the RIGHT audience- I will help you define this)!
-How to connect and know exactly what content & topics are going to perform well and connect with your audience( We’ll be talking about how to do market research, how to learn what people are into, and how to create similar content that is PERFECT for your ideal customer)!
-The Different Types of Services, Monetization, and Packages that You Can Offer in Your business (different Streams of Income, HELLO) and which ones would be BEST for your biz!
-I will audit your website and/or social media platform and give feedback to make changes for engagement optimization!
-How to Build (or utilize an existing) an email list & utilize for business growth & sales.
-The established wellness entrepreneur who currently has an active business, but is not seeing the results & income reflective of the time and work that they put in!
-The established wellness entrepreneur who feels like they lack direction and clarity on their message.
-The business owner who is struggling to continue to put in the time and money because they simply aren’t receiving the income and growth that they desire and they’re feeling a bit hopeless.
-The amazing soul who desires SO deeply to take their business to the net level & start having those 1k-5k months consistently, but is just struggling to know what steps to take to get there!
-The entrepreneur who KNOWS that they can do this and desires to be coached by someone who has done this & can help create a plan with actionable steps to take to achieve the growth, engagement, and ultimately income they know they deserve!
••••If these all resonate with you and you connect deeply to these statements, “GROWTH” is for you!
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So not only are you getting one of the EPIC coaching options above, but you are also going to be getting 2 Uploaded coaching calls that you will have IMMEDIATE access to the minute you book a coaching call with me!
This coaching module is for you if you choose option 1: “JUMP-START!” This will help to start get your brain going and thinking about exactly what you want to do for your future wellness business! It walks you through some KEY questions to ask yourself (and others) to decide what path to take when it comes to launching your wellness side hustle! It’s GREAT for beginners!
This coaching module is for everyone, but ESPECIALLY if you choose option 2: “GROWTH” ! I can’t tell you how many nurses I’ve coached who could not tell me the answer to the question that get’s proposed in this call when it came to their biz! It is literally the foundation of your business and the #1 indication of whether or not your business will succeed!
No girl, I’m serious! If you currently have a business, this concept is the #1 thing that needs to be considered before moving forward! It will completely change how you view your business and will allow you to start making the necessary changes if you realize that this needs to be addressed (I haven’t met one client who said that it didn’t apply and I’ve coached over 75 nurses)! I’ll give you a hint, it’s has to do with the problem that you’re solving for others and if it’s the right one you need to be solving! You are going to LOVE this!!!!!
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Not ONLY are you getting these free modules but you are ALSO going to gain access to my “Creating Your Ideal Customer Avatar” Course for FREE!!!! (This is a $199 75 minute POTENT Course for FREE!!!!!!!)
In this 75 minute FREE self-paced training, you are going to learn:
-Why defining and creating your ideal customer matters! No really….you need to know who you’re speaking to and HOW to speak their lingo like you KNOW THEM ALREADY!!!!
-You are going to see examples of ideal customers from other brands and businesses out there so that you have a solid idea of the things you can talk about and speak to when it comes to connecting with YOUR ideal customer!
-How to create (step by step) your Ideal Customer Avatar (this is basically the type of client/audience you are going to want to attract) and ALL of the ways you’re going to be able to use this avatar with any piece of content/product/service you create whether it be for content creation or a captivating sales page!
-Defining CLEARLY the problem you solve for that Ideal customer and why they would need your education/service/product
You can check out more about this course here!
When you purchase your coaching call, you will be logged into a platform where you will immediately receive your FREE modules & course above! All clients will be given a questionnaire to answer prior to the coaching call to better identify the desired areas to focus on and to gauge the direction that you want go in with your career & future! The questionnaire will be upload to your platform which you will receive access to upon purchase!
You will also clarify in the questionnaire whether option 1: “JUMP-START” or option 2: “GROWTH” is best for you. If you feel that you’re kind of in the middle, we can work with that as I know everyone is in different stages and has specifics they want to work on! This will help me tailor this call specific to your personal desire and needs so that we can focus on creating a CLEAR path with actionable steps to take in the direction that you want to go in!
(The questionnaire contains information about booking the time and date for your call! We will work together to pick a time that works for you)!
-Have actionable steps to take to start IMMEDIATELY growing your business, even if you haven’t decided exactly what it is going to be
-Have CLEAR direction about steps you need to be taking this month with your business
-Have a CLEAR idea of the EXACT audience you will be talking to when marketing your business and how to talk to/ engage them
-Have the 3 First Steps that you need to take within the month to start growing your business and working toward earning extra income
-Be on track to start growing an income on the side so that you will not be STUCK in that toxic position (full-time) the rest of your life!
-Have a creative outlet that gives you energy AND income doing something that you love!
-An opportunity beginning to start helping others in a way that connects with your heart!
-You’ll be able to sleep better at night knowing that you are NOT stuck and you are doing something POSITIVE about your future!
-You will no longer feel alone and lost in your business journey (because you will realize that your emotions are TOTALLY relatable and normal)!
-Most importantly, you will Feel Inspired, Excited, and Confident about the direction of your future and career!
Kelsey is a successful Nurse, Author, Blogger, Health Coach, and Wellness Business Creative! Her heart is helping other like-minded Nurses succeed in growing businesses that allow them to make an income while making an impact doing what they truly love! Kelsey’s expertise, experience, bright spirt, and passion for helping nurses make those powerful holistic shifts within their careers is what makes her coaching calls so powerful! Her insight, guidance, motivation, and heart for others is a true gift and you will leave FULL of motivation and ready to start taking actionable steps towards turning your passion into income STAT!
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“After my coaching call with Kelsey, it gave me gave me hope that I can actually DO this and start my own business. 100% feel like I have more clarity and direction. I honestly didn’t even know where to begin and I’ve made big strides since our call! So worth the investment! Kelsey is awesome!”Samantha RN, North Carolina
“Kelsey is amazing! I honestly went into this call just wanting more clarity with what I wanted to do in regards to Health Coaching. Kelsey was able to help me define exactly what it is that I do, (specifically) who I wanted to help, and how to start creating content & testimonies to grow credibility before even launching! Seriously, she’s amazing! I feel so inspired, enlightened, and excited to grow after our call!”Meg RN, Florida
“I have been wanting to launch a blog for a while & take my business online, I just didn’t know where to start. Kelsey walked me through starting steps for creating a blog with ease and also looked over my social media platforms for my direct sales company. Her feedback was GAME-CHANGING! My audience numbers have grown, my sales have increased, and I finally feel CONFIDENT about what I’m doing online! SO SO SO helpful! She’s the BEST!”Sarah RN, California
There is NO REASON you should stay in a job that is sucking the soul out of you! Create a life and career that you love!
There is NO REASON you should stay in a job that is sucking the soul out of you! Create a life and career that you love!
*Earnings and income representations made by Kelsey Rowell and Whole Life Nurse LLC, and their advertisers/sponsors are aspirational statements only of your earnings potential. These results are not typical and results will vary. The results on this page are OUR results and from years of testing. We can in NO way guarantee you will get similar results.
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