So many of you all know how much I love nurses!!! I like to consider myself, “Pro-Nursing/ Anti-Healthcare” because I feel so much of what we do (or don’t get to do) is hindered by the demands of the HealthCare business. I won’t bore you with my opinons…..but something that gave me SO much comfort during the crazy long shifts…..the long hours after charting…..the endless admissions and discharges…..the crazy family members……the call bell that didn’t stop ringing….the monitor tech that wouldn’t stop calling…..the newly diagnosed c-diff….the the sleepless nights…..well you catch my drift:

I started using essential oils about 3 years ago, and they have been my SAVING grace! I discovered how beneficial natural aromatic compounds are, and how COMFORTING these little gems could be in my life! I started diffusing at home and using topically on the go! They help support your emotions, your immune system, your respiratory system, your skin, and SO MUCH MORE!!!!! But for me as a nurse, it was having these little natural and effective essential oils on hand to get me through my shift and to comfort me when I got home!
From diffusing, epsom salt baths, face scrubs, to applying topically……I LOVE MY OILS!
I decided since it’s “Black Friday” and all that I wanted to open up something special for you guys TODAY and TODAY only!!!!!!!
FOR 24 HOURS!!!!!!!
My BEST selling kit is 20% off today!!!! It’s the Home Essentials Kit!!!!! YES GIRL!!!!! What is usually $275 is now $220 For TODAY!!!!!!!!!! That’s $55 off the BEST KIT!!!!!!!! This kit contains oils to support everything I mentioned above!!!!!! But wait….there’s more!!!!

EVERY PERSON who purchases a Home Essentials Kit (Or above) TODAY will receive a Wild Orange Oil, an Arrow Lava Bead Diffuser Necklace, an “I love Nurses” T-shirt AND and ID Diffuser Badge from Adorn-Diffused!!!! This is a $100 value FREE on top of the $55 you save from Todays Kits!!!!!
So heres the deal for TODAY only!!!!! Buy This Home Essentials Kit above, get all of this below for free while they last:
1. “I <3 Nurses T-Shirt!”

2. Arrow Diffuser Necklace & ID Badge Diffuser
(Badge diffuser comes with felt pads to change out! Lava beads absorb oil and you can reapply as needed! They are both SO cute!!!)

3. Free 15ML Wild Orange!!!

Energizes and Promotes Feelings of Happiness!!!!
Remember, EVERY KIT comes with a FREE wholesale Membership!
You will now have access to oils for 25% off Retail!!!
-You will be added into my Private Yourheartismine Oils education where you will learn and grow
how to use your oils better!
You will receive the BEST bundle of oils within a week!
If you’d like to take advantage of Today’s Black Friday deal, receiving 20% off your Home Essentials kit today and receiving all of the freebies listed above, please click here!!!
When you order, please email me your size preference in shirt, date you ordered, the kit you ordered, and your address! Email to
