Hey there. My name is Kelsey Rowell. I’m a Registered Nurse, Certified Health Coach, and a Platinum dōTERRA Wellness Advocate from Atlanta, Georgia! Nursing had always been something I wanted to do since I was a little girl. I knew that whatever career I chose, I wanted to help people! But I envisioned nursing being much different from what it actually is. I wanted to be able to spend time and educate my patients. I wanted to teach them about ways to PREVENT their health issues! I wanted to actually spend time at the bedside getting to know them and helping them take steps to truly change their lives. I quickly realized that what I did on a daily basis is quite far from that. I spent most of my time pushing a computer while charting and medicating patients…..simply treating the symptoms and not addressing root causes. I wanted to help create lasting change.
A year ago, I was searching left and right for an extra side job to make a little more income. I got so tired of filling out applications for jobs that I knew wouldn’t be happy doing. My husband and I got our tax return back, and lets just say we weren’t getting money back that year. The thought of having to pick up an extra shift or get a new job at the hospital just made me sick to my stomach. I began to have a really hard time being in the hospital as a nurse as my view of “health” changed. I think we over-treat and over medicate more often than not. I LOVE people, and I love being a Nurse, but I hate how modern day healthcare can be. I knew there had to be a job out there that I could be the nurse that I wanted to be and share my message about health and wellness AND be compensated generously for my hard work….
I had used Essential dōTERRA Oils in my life and benefited greatly from them, but I NEVER thought that I would ever consider “selling” them. “It wasn’t my thing.” A friend of mine introduced me to business of dōTERRA essential oils. After doing extensive research about the different companies out there and learning about how “not-so-natural” most over-the-counter oils were, I became very convinced that dōTERRA was the best company for me! Their CPTG Certification ensures that every bottle of oil is put through extensive testing to ensure they are the purest and safest oils. Their Co-Ipmact Sourcing blows my mind, as doTERRA sources their oils in over 40 different countries, and gives back to the local farmers who upkeep their farms! I also reviewed their amazing compensation plan and was blown away at what they offered. I wanted to make some money to pay off our taxes…..but I knew it wouldn’t be THAT easy. I was scared, but I was willing to work hard and do what it took to make something like this succeed.
I was watching women JUST LIKE ME find freedom financially from this business and I’m not going to lie, I would think to myself “Man, I know I could do that!” I stopped making excuses and complaining and jumped in. When I received my Natural Solutions Oil kit, it was like Christmas! I was SO excited! I signed up as a Wellness Advocate, plugged myself into my team’s training class, and started teaching and sharing oils!
In the first 4 months of starting my business, I was bringing home an additional $1000! That was enough to pay our rent! I seriously couldn’t believe it and neither could my husband. Within 9 months of starting, I tripled that income. John and I were able to pay off our taxes from the previous year, my credit card, and we were able to take a dream vacation to California that summer that would have NEVER happened without doTERRA! Did I work incredibly hard during those months? Extremely. Do I still work hard? Every day. But the difference between what I do now and what I did at the beside is this:
I remember I was SO scared to make the decision to jump in. Fear paralyzes most people and keeps them from achieving anything that could be amazing….I refused to let that fear keep me from the potential freedom this business had to offer and took the leap. I see so many people walk away from their dreams and desires in life all because of fear and doubt and it makes my heart so sad! Instead of focusing on all that could go wrong, what about ALL THAT COULD GO RIGHT?
I want to invite you into becoming and finding a part of you that you NEVER knew existed. A powerful, beautiful, transformative self that is ready to do BIG things in this world! That is ready to take on challenges and create a life that you deserve! A life that brings joy, freedom, and fulfillment in a way that you’ve never experienced before. But mostly, I want to watch you SUCCEED doing something that you never thought you could or would do. Because it happened to me. I started something that I never knew would turn into this. Something I didn’t know I was capable of. It empowered me like nothing else has and it changed my life! I want to do the same for YOU! I want you to be a part of this WITH ME!
I will connect with you within 1-2 days, and we can set up a time to chat!
If you know you are ready to jump on board RIGHT now, them Enroll With Your Kit Here.
PLEASE Email Kelsey at yourheartismineoils@gmail.com after you do.
Your Heart Is Mine,
The Nurse Freedom Report
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There is NO REASON you should stay in a job that is sucking the soul out of you! Create a life and career that you love!
*Earnings and income representations made by Kelsey Rowell and Whole Life Nurse LLC, and their advertisers/sponsors are aspirational statements only of your earnings potential. These results are not typical and results will vary. The results on this page are OUR results and from years of testing. We can in NO way guarantee you will get similar results.
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