Many of you probably already know this if you follow my blog, but I am a Float Nurse! What’s that you, may ask? Basically, I float to any and every adult unit in my hospital (with the exception of ICU and anything baby)! I call in at 6:30am every morning and ask the house coordinator […]

Nurse Life

July 13, 2016

4 Helpful Tips To Help You Survive Floating To Another Unit!

I was passing off report the other day to a nurse who was going to be receiving the patient from my floor. I know the burden that this can be in the middle of a crazy shift, but lets be real….we’ve ALL had to do it! It wasn’t like I said, “I’m going to call […]

Nurse Life

July 11, 2016

How To Respectfully and Effectively Communicate With Your Nursing Colleagues

I worked at a hospital a few years ago, and had this patient that seemed to be discontent with EVERYTHING from the minute I walked into the room and introduced myself. He felt that no one could understand his needs and no matter how hard the staff tried, nothing was ever good enough for him. […]

Cardiac Nursing, Nurse Life

July 5, 2016

Why Every Day I Want To Leave The Bedside, and Keep Coming Back….

The Nurse Freedom Report

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