So many of you guys have been following my health journey the past 30 days! You know, the obnoxious foods posts and daily selfies! I was beginning to annoy myself, but posting was a way of accountability for me! I didn’t want to fail in front of all of you! Some would call it […]

Anxiety and Depression, Cardiac Nursing, Healthy Life Style, Nurse Life, self care

June 22, 2016

Whole30: That’s A Wrap!….Wait…Nope, No It Isn’t! Or A $hake…or a $upplement! It’s a WAY OF LIFE! My Journey and Success with WHOLE eating!

There is this job that can make you do the most disgusting things in the entire world: Wipe feces from a complete strangers bottom. Catch vomit as it just pools out of the mouth of a nauseas being. Hold pressure on areas that blood is incessant in the most ungodly places. And guess what? In […]

Nurse Life

June 16, 2016

There is this Job….and it is QUITE the Beautiful Mess #Nursing

Happy Summer everyone!! This is about the time that I typically make my annual trip to the mall to buy my annual summer bathing suit! As the years have gone by, my style has started to veer more towards coverage and less skin. My days of “beach goddess” have come and

Anxiety and Depression, Healthy Life Style, Nurse Life

June 7, 2016

Practice What You Preach! A Young Nurses Journey To Health And Wellness!

NCLEX! The infamous word that you hear EVERY day throughout nursing school! It’s pretty much the be-all-end-all! You can survive nursing school and pass with flying colors, but you NEED your license in order to practice. And Passing the NCLEX is the key!

Nurse Life, Nursing School

June 6, 2016

Preparing For And Passing NCLEX First Go!

The Nurse Freedom Report

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