Why I Love The  Berkey Water Filter System PURCHASE BERKEY HERE! I started using the Berkey https://berkeyfiltersaffiliateprogram.pxf.io/c/2561031/1535966/17971Water Filter system almost 3 years ago and I will NEVER go back! My sister introduced it to me and at first and I thought it was so strange! It reminded my of one of those electrical transformers outside […]

Healthy Life Style, Uncategorized

August 14, 2019

Why I Love the Berkey Water Filter System!

It’s Hard To Find Healthy Meals For Nurses! It’s hard to find healthy meals for nurses that are easy, quick, and delicious. When I started my health journey years ago, I was working full time as a Nurse. I KNOW the debilitating fatigue that accompanies a 12 hour shift. I know the feeling of just […]

Clean Eats, Healthy Life Style, Recipes

March 26, 2019

3 Healthy Meals For Nurses To Make On Days They Work

Healthy Meals For Nurses

  Everything You Need To Know About Cashew Coffee So you’ve probably landed here because you were a lot like I was! You kept stumbling across all of these Instagramer’s pictures of these epic looking healthy coffee recipes, and you NEEDED to know what was up about this cashew coffee! Maybe you were like me […]

Clean Eats, Healthy Life Style, Recipes

March 21, 2019

Cashew Coffee – How To Make The Creamiest Cup Of Joe!

Cashew Coffee

It’s that time of year again! The cookies, candies, and sugar galore! Mr. Smith’s wife feels there is no better way to say “ Merry Christmas” and “Thank You” than to bring her signature Pound Cake! Although it is a lovely gesture, the reality is she is one of many who bring similar foods like […]

Healthy Life Style, Nurse Life

December 21, 2016

Eating Healthy Around The Holidays As a Nurse!