It’s that time of year again! The cookies, candies, and sugar galore! Mr. Smith’s wife feels there is no better way to say “ Merry Christmas” and “Thank You” than to bring her signature Pound Cake! Although it is a lovely gesture, the reality is she is one of many who bring similar foods like that throughout the week! The break room table is conveniently overflowing with grab-on-the-go sugary and fatty goodness! It’s all tasty and wonderful until it goes downnnn…..down to your hips, down to your thighs, down to your stomach….you catch my drift!? And not to mention the fatigued feeling you get after that sugar crash! And woman, now you got 8 more hours of work feeling tired, disgusting, and wishing you never ate what you did! You want to take it all back, be off like everyone else on Christmas, and running this stuff off! Welcome to nursing around the Holidays!
There are a few tips I would like to share from my experience around the holidays and all of the holiday goodness that gets delivered on the hour to the floor:
1.Bring Your Own Healthy Snacks From Home
A lot of times when your eyes see sugar, it’s just a craving. It’s not necessarily something that you need or even want! It’s available, and your brain has been trained to “crave” and “need” sugar when it sees it! Did you know your brain responds to sugar in a similar way that a drug addict’s does to cocaine? Like….forreals….it’s that addicting! When you are addicted to sugar, it’s really hard to turn that heavenly fudge away even if you are not hungry. Your brain tells you that you need it and you start to salivate and become excited! By keeping healthier snacks on hand (veggies, fruit, turkey wraps, nuts, nut bars , etc), it allows you to say “Okay, am I really hungry or is it because those cookies just look really good?!” If you’re truly hungry, you need to opt for the more nutrient dense stuff….that will provide satiety. Sugary cookies will not. Opting for these healthier foods will provide you energy to endure your long shift and ultimately leave you feeling better and healthier about your decision to walk away! It’s just a matter of having them on hand and available. This is also training your brain to respond differently to sugar every time you say no! Kombucha, and RX Bar are some of my favorite healthier snacks! (I typically drink Kombucha in between lunch and breakfast on an empty stomach!)
2. Keep Water On Hands!
Sometimes thirst can be mistaken for hunger! It’s really important to own a water bottle! I bring water to EVERY shift. I hydrate and fuel up, especially after a cup of coffee! It’s important to keep your cells hydrated and keep your blood circulating well. This will help eliminate any untrue hunger and cravings! When you pass by those cookies and cakes, remind yourself how you typically feel after consumption. Think about if you feel thirsty? That may be driving your craving. Make sure you are drinking plenty of water, and move on! It will give you energy and keep your brain on point! Saying “no” is a learned behavior, but so is saying “yes” to the bad stuff! Think about it? You will become better at the one you practice the most!
3. Limit Yourself To One Treat #OneAndWalkAway
Speaking from experience, I have been able to detox my body of sugar the past year! It wasn’t easy but TOTALLY worth it!. I don’t crave that stuff nearly as bad as I used to, but the reality is I still do on occasion. And guess what? That’s okay. Because everything in moderation is okay. The trouble with “moderation” is typically when people attempt to eat something unhealthy in moderation, it spirals into overconsumption. Unhealthy foods don’t really provide nutrients and satiety, so you end up eating more and more because it tastes so good and you’re not getting full. Just be mindful of that when you go to reach for ONE treat! Analyze the table of goods and make sure that ONE treat is #worthit!! Eat it slowly. Savor it. Enjoy it. And move on with business! Turn to that break room table and say “BYE FELICIA!” Because you just ate one and walked away! Now go stay busy, be intentional, and love your patients well! You go girl!
I hope everyone has a beautiful, safe, and HEALTHY holiday season! These simple tips can be applied in any setting and my hopes are that you guys see the fruit of eating like this! Your health is everything and we see this on a daily basis! Be an example for your patients, but ultimately, TAKE CARE OF YOU! Your body will thank you!
Please check out my new Health Coaching Business “The Wellness Chicks” and subscribe for healthy wellness tips, recipes, and so much more! Also find us on Facebook and instagram! If you are looking to change your eating habits and lifestyle this year, please feel free to reach out and inquire about our online coaching packages
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!!!
Your Heart Is Mine,