Hi there! My name is Kelsey. Five years ago I became a Registered Nurse. I worked my tail off to get through a program and passed boards to received those special 2 letters behind my name: RN. When I decided to go to school to become a nurse, these were the reasons why:
I wanted to be able to truly sit and talk with my patients; hold their hands, comfort them, and make them feel educated and informed about their diagnosis.
I wanted to be able to spend time cleaning them, feeding them, and educating them about their diet and lifestyle, as that would truly help PREVENT future problems. (Do y’all understand how many patients have NO idea that diabetes causes all of the issues that it does…or what high blood pressure does….and patients literally leave with a script and side effects list, but NO ONE EVER talks to them about the cause of their issue and exactly what it can lead to…..they find out this stuff AFTER they’ve lost a limb or had a heart attack….)
I thought that I would be able to help walk them in the hallway and mobilize them throughout the day, as I know how imperative movement is with the elderly population and in compromised patients. Moving a patient and helping them preform their activities of daily living makes them feel confident, more human, and well….better!
Well let me tell you something. I was hit with a very harsh reality when I became a nurse. I rarely got to do ANY of those things. Those things were delegated to supplementary staff who have more patients than they could handle, and a lot of the time would end up CHARTING that they preformed those tasks, and more often than not, never did it….not because they were incompetent, but because they had too many patients themselves. But it was charted, so it was done, right? Myself, the nurse, was caught up in passing medication after medication to 5+ patients. With each patient having 8+ medications, pain issues, nausea issues, food issues, and what ever other problem arose, the nurse was to put the fire out. I spent my day following up to reactions and outcomes of medications, charting HOURS after my already draining 12 hour shift, and I truly felt like I spent more time holding a mouse instead of my patient’s hands. And sadly, that’s what really matters. I quickly learned that hospitals cared more about patient satisfaction scores than actual physical patient education and care, contrary to what they make you think. I don’t think they want it to be this way, but this is what it has come to. Numbers…. pure numbers.
Instead of spending time educating and helping PREVENT these issues from happening again, we spent majority of our time putting out fires by kissing the butt of unreasonable and rude patients, and passing out “comfort” medication like it was candy to hush people up. With this ridiculous way that our government now evaluates hospitals and reimbursement,we no longer care for patients….we care for numbers. And if caring for the numbers means taking away every reason we all became nurses and do what we do, than so be it. But I didn’t sign up for this…and I wasn’t going to stick around even if this was the only degree I had. I love people. I’ve done really well in my role as a bedside nurse because I tried my hardest to keep my patients in the center. They were the reason I came to work. But I started just to feel more convicted that we were at times causing more harm than good….and spending less and less time with patients and more time with that computer. That wasn’t nursing. And it sure didn’t feel like good care.
My heart was EDUCATING AND PREVENTION. If we truly educate and teach patients how to target the root causes of issues instead of treating the symptoms with a pill…..we actually might HELP people for once. Sometimes I wonder if “they” really want us to help patients? If we teach people how to manage their condition through diet and clean lifestyle, what’s the point of medications, right? With pharmaceuticals being one of the worlds LARGEST and wealthiest industries, why would we want to actually get to the root causes of issues when there is money involved if we just left it like it was? We can put any price we want on pills because we are told “You can’t live without this.” And for that, we pay ANYTHING. But if we truly help people understand and TAGET THE ROOT ISSUES, and NOT treat the symptoms, then there is less need for blood pressure meds, diabetes meds, steroids, pain meds, chemo….and the list goes on. Think about it…..
As a natural minded nurse who lives an anti-inflammatory lifestyle and has supported her anxiety naturally through clean eating and essential oils, it was sucking my soul sticking around in this environment. Again, these are my own personal convictions and beliefs that led me to this decision. I had no desire to go back to pursue a conventional NP degree, and didn’t want to do anything to do with conventional medicine. And that’s when I got involved with dōTERRA Essential Oils. I come from a background where my oldest sister healed her Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma Cancer Stage II naturally through an ANTI-CANCER diet and lifestyle. My middle sister completely cured her IBS through an Anti-Inflammatory diet regiment using clean foods. I personally came out of the deepest and darkest anxiety and depression through changing my diet and using pure essential oils to support my emotions during this time. THIS was the message I wanted to share. I began to learn that dōTERRA was completely in line with this lifestyle and mission, along with education and sharing pure essential oils.
I was so hesitant to sign up at first because dōTERRA fell into the “ MLM/ Network Marketing” category. When we all hear that term, we scream, cringe, run, and go unfollow anyone participating in those businesses! Girl, listen….I ran for 6 months. Until one day, my good friend Sarah (who is a Naturopathic Doctor) had me on a phone call to share more about the business from the oil brand that I was using, “dōTERRA.” We talked for a little more than an hour and my eyes were so opened to what exactly this company was doing and who they were. I learned that dōTERRA pretty much wants to bring new insight to current healthcare, and they want there to be more alternative and safe EFFECTIVE solutions available for people and patients.
I knew I worked so hard and put every ounce of my being into my job….but when I broke down my emotions, the “care” I was not giving, the fatigue I came home with, the feeling of “not being fulfilled” because this wasn’t what I signed up for, the mediocre pay and insulting GPA evaluation I got every year…. the stress I was bringing home to my family, and witnessing THE WAY WE WERE not TREATING PATIENTS, it was just not worth it anymore. I wanted in with dōTERRA!
Naturally, I wanted to know what the “catch” was…AKA What’s this gunna cost me?
She began to explain the compensation plan in this business. That was important to me because if I was going to pour my time and effort into learning more about these oils and educating/sharing with others, I wanted to be sure it would be something I could grow and pursue long term….and have it be worth it!
She told me how she gets paid weekly AND monthly with dōTERRA. She also went on to explain all of the bonuses and incentives involved with this business as well. It almost sounded too good to be true. I kept clarifying and asking questions….
”so you get paid weekly for any sales the week before?….” -YES
“so every month your hit a rank or bonus, you get that money every month, not just once?”- YES
“so you teach classes, share with your friends, educate others, and kinda create your own business however you feel fits within doTERRA culture?” -YES, everyone builds differently.
“is there education involved in learning how to grow, teach, and build this business?”
-YES, we have a whole series of Start Up videos that you can watch and learn from, along with me personally growing and educating you……
“So I just need to commit to $100 a month to keep my business open…..and if this doesn’t work out and I need to back out for whatever reason, I can at any time?”
-YES, I just ask that you let me transfer you out of the spot that you’re in, no fee or charge at all…
I knew in my heart I wanted to do this. I knew in my heart that I believed in their mission. I LOVED their oils and the benefit I personally received from them in my life (my emotions, skin, and immune support). I just was scared. Scared of not being able to. Scared or what others would think. Scared of “polluting” my brand. But I never have ever been one to let fear push me away from my dreams….and at the core of it all, these were truly amazing oils that helped me SO much through my own personal health journey….and that was why I wanted to start sharing with others….to TRULY HELP THEM….so I jumped in!
7 months later, let me just share something amazing with you guys. I had a vision to LEAD up a team of Natural Nurses. I wanted to grow and launch nurses in their own businesses, helping them become entrepreneurs and do what they TRULY LOVED. I wanted to allow nurses just like me the opportunity to do what they believed in! And that was TRULY taking care of others through helping people live life more naturally and PREVENTING issues! I now have a team of over 200 nurses, in 3 different countries and over 30 US states who are learning and growing with their oils. I have so many lives that have been touched by my story and message. I have testimonies of oil usage that will give you chills. I truly believe that this business and this company is going to change the way people live (it already is) and help change the way that healthcare is done. And let me just tell you that these are not all from me! These are simply people reaching out to friends and family and strangers ALL over and introducing oils into their lives as a RESULT of me simply just STARTING!
I hit the rank of GOLD this past month, and have almost TRIPPLED my monthly nursing income within 7 months!! I left the hospital and now pour into my dōTERRA business every single day in a way that I couldn’t before. Had I let pride and fear get in the way of making this decision, I wouldn’t be where I am at today: out of the hospital and educating people every single day with natural, safe, and effective solutions. You guys, I was SUCH a sceptic. You have no idea. But I just remember thinking…I’m going to give it 3 months….I’ve done worse and wasted more money than that doing ridiculous things…..if this becomes something…then it was a $100 for 3 months well spent…..Thankfully I’m hear to tell you that within 7 months, that $100 a month was the BEST investment I have ever made!
I use my essential oils EVERY SINGLE DAY. My own personal testimony in using these oils is the reason I even gave this business a chance. I am so passionate about sharing these oils with others and helping people bring home safe and natural solutions to better support their health and their family’s health naturally. Every day I learn more and more about the science behind oils, and how to use them to support different conditions including emotions, discomfort, immune, and so much more……
If my story resonates with you, and you have found yourself as a nurse who has HAD it with the way their conventional nursing job runs, I would love to chat with you and have you on board! Weekly I am training new nurses as they launch their business with doTERRA! This includes:
-Oil Education and Business Launch Video Series
-Plugging you into an amazing and supportive group of Wellness Advocates who are rocking their Essential Oil business!
If any questions about signing up with the business, please email me at yourheartismineoils@gmail.com
I Don’t Want To Do The Business, But I’d Like To Bring Oils Into My Life:
If you simply want to bring oils into your home to start using these oils to help support your health, you can order oils here! I’d love to help you pick out a kit that is right for you!
Head Discomfort (Peppermint, PastTense, Deep Blue)
Discomfort (Deep Blue, Past Tense)
And SOO much more!!!!!!
The Reason I chose/Use dōTERRA Essential Oils:
-Their Oils are CPTG Certified: beyond organic, free of pesticides, artificial contaminants and metal.
-They are Tested by a Third Party ( so not just their company tests the oils, but a company paid OUTSIDE of doTERRA to review and give the thumbs up that the oils are safe and therapeutic.)
These oils are just absolutely amazing. As the industry continues to rise, I’m watching more and more people and HCP’s adopt a more clean and anti-inflammatory lifestyle, along with bringing oils into their practice as options for patients with emotional discomfort among other things. There is science based evidence and research in essential oils and clean nutrition and how it truly helps supports the body and clean nutrition helps target the root causes of really common problems….Problems that we medicate the symptoms of every single day. It’s time that we take a step back, open up our eyes, and start taking control of our health. YOU are the boss of your health.
Have you had a desire to always start your own business, but didn’t want to deal with all of the crazy start up cost and legality?
Do you feel that you work so hard and are not properly compensated?
Are you a Natural Nurse in a Conventional Medicine World who just simply wants to HELP people change their lifestyle and minimize the use of toxins and chemicals within their body and environment?
Simply put, do you just want to actually CARE for people???
I would be so honored and happy to chat with any of you interested in joining my team whether it be as a business or simply bringing oils home.
Please feel free to email me at yourheartismineoils@gmail.com to set up a time to chat about the business opportunity.
(Disclaimer: This Page Has Not Been Reviewed Or Approved By The FDA. I personally love and use DōTERRA Essential Oils on a daily basis. I only consume and use the purest of pure foods and products both in and on my body. This is why I love this company and I believe and support their oils wholeheartedly <3 I would also like to add that I DO believe that there is a time and place for conventional medicine. I have MANY family members who have been saved and cared for who have endured some really scary and hard diagnosis and health conditions. While I am SO thankful for the doctors and medical professionals who cared for them during that time, I think we need to be open to allowing more holistic and alternative treatments to collaborate with conventional care to better patient outcomes!)
I teach Nurses how to have less stress, more money, and better health by creating healthy boundaries in their career, landing their dream job, and learning to how to negotiate like a BOSS!