It’s that time of year again! The cookies, candies, and sugar galore! Mr. Smith’s wife feels there is no better way to say “ Merry Christmas” and “Thank You” than to bring her signature Pound Cake! Although it is a lovely gesture, the reality is she is one of many who bring similar foods like […]

Healthy Life Style, Nurse Life

December 21, 2016

Eating Healthy Around The Holidays As a Nurse!

Healthy eating is a challenge for many! Some would say it’s the time that goes into prepping. Others would say, “I just can’t eat like that” or “It’s too expensive to eat healthy!” What if instead of saying all of these things, you replaced it with, “My health just isn’t a priority.” Because essentially, that […]

Nurse Life

December 5, 2016

4 Simple Tips For Being Healthier During A 12-Hour Shift!

1. MDF MD ONE Rose Gold Stethoscope  Okay, maybe I’m just bias, but I am absolutely in love this this stethoscope! Not only does it look beautiful, but it’s lightweight and the sound and quality are ON POINT! I highly recommend anyone out there who is looking for a new stethoscope (and a little style) to […]


November 28, 2016

Top 6 Best Nursey Gifts To Receive For Christmas!

The Holidays are RIGHT around the corner! Like, as in…THANKSGIVING THIS WEEK!!! Ahhhhh! So  to all of my nurses working this as your major holiday this year, I love you and am SO thankful to have you at the bedside with these patients! This job is truly a calling, and not for the faint and […]

Nurse Life

November 21, 2016

Best Nursey Gifts To Buy For Yourself Or Another Nurse For The Holidays!

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