So you all are probably opening this post and thinking, “What is this chick talking about?” Yes, Nursing is a lot like marriage! More than you would think! A little background on me: I have been married a little under two years. I love my husband more than anything in the world, but marriage has […]

Nurse Life, self care

August 1, 2016

What Do Nursing And Marriage Have In Common?

The Extremely Real-Life Nursing Commercials! I was sitting on the couch the other day, watching TV. I was recovering from 3 days of work, vegging in my over sized t-shirt, sipping on a large black cup of coffee, and watching “Live With Kelly!” My FAVORITE morning show! I’m still mad at Michael, but we won’t […]

Nurse Life, self care

July 25, 2016

What If Nurses Could Smile More? #RealLife

I typically share these stories as a “Nursing Inspiration on my Yourheartismine Facebook Page, but I just had to re-share this story via blog….so here we go!

Nurse Life

July 24, 2016

Make Your Time With Your Patients Matter: A Story Of Love, Addiction, Beauty, and Strength!

What If the tables were turned? What if NURSES were asked about their pain every hour? What if NURSES were asked if they needed to use the bathroom every hour? What if NURSES were asked if they had any needs for equipment or services at their home? What if NURSES were asked if they were […]

Nurse Life, self care

July 20, 2016

What If, For Once, NURSES were asked if THEY had any Needs?

The Nurse Freedom Report

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