Hey Guys! Kelsey, here! I wanted you guys to meet someone very special in my life! This is my beautiful sister and best friend, Cortney Worrell Campbell! She is the mother to 3 BEAUTIFUL girls (my nieces), and a Holistic Cancer Survivor! Yup, thats right….8 years later, a CHEMO and RADIATION FREE CANCER SURVIVOR! […]

Healthy Life Style

March 16, 2016

My Sister Is a Holistic Cancer Survivor: 8 years later, THIS is her Story!

I overheard a conversation in the cafeteria between a manager and a long-time nurse of hers. She was asking that nurse about her thoughts on what would make her nurses want to stick around. I was sitting there thinking ,“Well this will be interesting….” I could have turned around and burst out with a ton […]

Nurse Life

March 7, 2016

Mass Exodus Issues: How To Keep Your Nurses and Staff Around!

Nursing is one of the craziest jobs out there, in the sense that you deal with a ton of really BIG situations in life on a daily basis! You’re there when lives are born. You’re there when lives are transformed. You’re there when lives are taken unexpectedly. And you’re there when a family witnesses every […]

Nurse Life

March 2, 2016

The Hard Reality of Nursing: When your Patient is Dying

  I’d like to preface this post by saying a lot of the material in my blog is very uplifting and light! This one is a little more informative and straight forward. I don’t want this post to be taken negatively! I want it to be a learning experience for students right now! I want […]

Nursing School

February 24, 2016

What I Wish I knew about Student Loans before I went through Nursing School!

The Nurse Freedom Report

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