Hey Girl HEYYYYY…… It’s TIME…… That wonderful week out of the month that we women just LOVE, it’s here! Listen. There is NOTHING more painful and debilitating than your monthly cycle. I’ve had one since I was 13. Some days I’m just like, “Guys have NO freaking I idea!” I saw a meme the […]

Emotional Wellness

October 25, 2018

Naturally Supporting and Managing Your Monthly Cycle

Side Hustles For Nurses, What’s the Deal? How many of you have been looking into side hustles for nurses? If you were anything like I was, it was weekly! You want to make more money, but you can’t FATHOM picking up extra hours at your current job (high hand raise right here)! Girl, listen. I […]

Nurse Entrepreneurship

August 23, 2018

The 6 Best Side Hustles For Nurses!

Side Hustles For Nurses

“Patient Centered Care. Patient Centered Care. Patient Centered Care.” How many times have you sat through orientation for a new job and had that shoved down your throat for what seemed like EVERY slide for the entire day (waving hand right here)! We get it. It’s about the patient. Never once did it cross my […]


July 19, 2018

Why It’s NOT About “Patient Centered Care”

  There is no better feeling than taking off a cleansing face mask and feeling how incredibly smooth and healthy your skin is, amiright?! You girls know what I’m talking about! I used to make a recipe like this all of the time, but never incorporated essential oils! My husband and I (yes, my man […]

Natural Nurse Beauty

June 22, 2018

DIY Easy Natural Essential Oil Detox Clay Mask!

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