Happy Summer everyone!! This is about the time that I typically make my annual trip to the mall to buy my annual summer bathing suit! As the years have gone by, my style has started to veer more towards coverage and less skin. My days of “beach goddess” have come and

Anxiety and Depression, Healthy Life Style, Nurse Life

June 7, 2016

Practice What You Preach! A Young Nurses Journey To Health And Wellness!

I have been a nurse for 3 years. In my short three years, my heart and passion to better this profession grew like a wildfire! I’ve never been one to sit back and just let bad things happen. It didn’t take me but a year to realize that healthcare today is much about the business […]

Anxiety and Depression, Cardiac Nursing, Category #1, Nurse Life

May 17, 2016

Why I Chose To Take A Stand: SMYS Nurses Take DC 2016-Safe Staffing Rally!

So my guess is, every person that clicked on this blog is thinking, “What the heck is this chick talking about?” “Ellen isn’t a nurse, and she really has nothing to do with healthcare whatsoever?” Well here’s the deal. Ellen could teach a better lesson than most nursing professors that I know! How, you ask? […]

Anxiety and Depression, Nurse Life

April 11, 2016

TETON: “The Ellen Theory Of Nursing.” Sometimes you just gotta DANCE!

Anxiety and Nursing….where do I begin? I am getting anxious thinking about it! LOL! Okay just kidding. So I want you guys to know a little about my struggle with anxiety and depression. The reason I throw in depression is because anxiety IS depressing when you struggle a lot with it! Looking back, I think […]

Anxiety and Depression, Healthy Life Style, Nurse Life

March 16, 2016

Dealing with Anxiety and/or Depression as a Nurse: How to Overcome!