How To Manage Nurse Anxiety Naturally Anxiety and Nursing, where do I begin? Nurse anxiety is REAL! I am getting anxious thinking about it! Okay, just kidding. But in all seriousness, it’s a real issue. I want you guys to know a little about the history of my personal struggle with anxiety and depression before […]

Emotional Wellness

November 28, 2018

6 Natural Ways To Manage Nurse Anxiety!

Berkey Holiday Bundles!     PURE filtered water is REALLY hard to come by these days, and it is SO important for your health! I drink water 99% of the time, and my Berkey is quite possibly my best friend ! (I even take her with me on trips #butforreal). Most of us don’t have a clue […]


November 22, 2018


  Let me start off by first saying that as a Registered Nurse who leads a Natural Wellness Community, I get a TON of messages and emails about my opinion and decision with the flu shot every year. This year has been no different, so I figured I would just drop a blog to help […]

Immune Support

November 5, 2018

Whether You Get The Flu Shot Or Not, Know This….

  Hey Girl HEYYYYY…… It’s TIME…… That wonderful week out of the month that we women just LOVE, it’s here! Listen. There is NOTHING more painful and debilitating than your monthly cycle. I’ve had one since I was 13. Some days I’m just like, “Guys have NO freaking I idea!” I saw a meme the […]

Emotional Wellness

October 25, 2018

Naturally Supporting and Managing Your Monthly Cycle